food Sesame Crusted Yellowfin


Ginger, Garlic, "Dried, Pickled, and Fresh Thai Chili's", Lemon Grass, Chives, Tangelo, Yellowfin Tuna, Coconut Palm Sugar, White Sesame Seeds, Sweet & Tangy Soy Dipping Sauce, Pure Wasabi Powder, Black Pepper, Pickled Ginger, Rice Wine Vinegar, Black Sesame Seeds, Fish Sauce


I thought I'd make something from scratch here..."Thai Ginger Sauce". We have 120 gr of fresh Thai chili's for the brightness, 60 gr of pickled for the zing and 30 gr of dried for a hint of smoke.... You can see at the right of each pepper group the seeds which I scraped out of the pods. Thai sauce is notrious for seeds.....a few seeds don't bother me but I still think the "seeds" fare better in the dirt than in the dish...Also pictured is a halved Tangelo that was zested, 3 Garlic cloves diced, 40 gr of Ginger grated, and a 2" piece of Lemon Grass finely chopped,


Place all the chopped ingredients in a sauce pan. Pour 1 cup of water in, make a mark at that level on a wooden skewer. Add 3 more cups of water, Zest and juice from 1/2 a Tangelo. Bring the mix to a boil, then lower to a simmer and reduce until the 1 cup mark is achieved...set aside to cool. This is the same mix I would use if I were to woozie up a case or few bottles.......that is with and extra ingredient or two added........ :D


Cut the Tuna into logs and place into a zip bag with 1 cup of Black and White Sesame Seeds, Black Pepper and a pinch of Salt. Place bag in the fridge for one hour...finish the sauce.


Strain the solids letting the liquids drain into a blender. Add 1 cup of Rice Vinegar, juice and zest from other half of the Tangelo , 1 tsp of Fish Sauce.........I also add a 1/4 tsp of each triple Rapid Xanthan and Tic Gum to Stabilize and suspend. If I were to add the Vinegar to the pan and reduce it would become syrupy and change the composition of the flavor. ....Blend the liquids adding the powders to the vortex. Blend for 2 minutes.


Add solids back to blender and pulse 10 times (1 sec intervals). Mix Wasabi Powder with water to form a loose paste.


Heres the final sauce..........Spicy Sweet with a Ginger-Lemon note...set sauces aside.


Heat a non stick pan to med/ oil. Set the Tuna in searing 3 minutes a side (4 sides). Remove Tuna from pan and slice 1/4" thick pieces.........plate up.


"Sesame Crusted Tuna" with Tangy Soy, Pickled Ginger, Wasabi and Thai Ginger Sauce for condiments, and a dusting of Chives and Sesame Seeds.....
Looks fantastic! I love Ahi. My Costco usually has good pieces. I generally go simple with a quick sear, soy sauce and real wasabi on the side and maybe some pickled ginger if I'm lucky. Gotta try this someday!
Great Tuna, similar to one we make but much more involved, detailed and ingredients that I don’t even use in ours … you sir are a master chef! Also we do whole steak VS rolls, but I love your roll method and will try that on our next Sesame Tuna night. While I have not eaten this dish with Black Sesame Seeds in ages, we normally do not use them on ours, but might give them another try after reading your style. I think we feel the same on chili seeds, some don’t bother me but a load of seeds is a pita if they’re not fine ground. Love dat ginger sauce of yours, I’ll have to pull up some of my ginger root next week and give your "Thai Ginger Sauce" a try.

One thing we do different or I missed in reading your post is that I take half the sesame seeds or a 1/3 and crush them in my pestle and mortar, crushing/breaking them down to release the power of the sesame seeds. Rather than go into an explanation why, which I’m sure you know, those others that don’t should google releasing the power of sesame. I hand rub that onto tuna steaks along with whole seeds as well. Again, I’ll give the added black a try again as that I don’t do.

Wonderful dish as always Greg and while you are enjoying your tuna just think the rest of us here are eating dat “Catfish Blues” :D

»» Foobar2k ::: Jimi Hendrix - BBC Sessions (Disc 1) - 12 - Catfish Blues ::: 0:42/5:29 (••••••••••) ::: 1060 kbps ««
Great Tuna, similar to one we make but much more involved, detailed and ingredients that I don’t even use in ours … you sir are a master chef! Also we do whole steak VS rolls, but I love your roll method and will try that on our next Sesame Tuna night. While I have not eaten this dish with Black Sesame Seeds in ages, we normally do not use them on ours, but might give them another try after reading your style. I think we feel the same on chili seeds, some don’t bother me but a load of seeds is a pita if they’re not fine ground. Love dat ginger sauce of yours, I’ll have to pull up some of my ginger root next week and give your "Thai Ginger Sauce" a try.

One thing we do different or I missed in reading your post is that I take half the sesame seeds or a 1/3 and crush them in my pestle and mortar, crushing/breaking them down to release the power of the sesame seeds. Rather than go into an explanation why, which I’m sure you know, those others that don’t should google releasing the power of sesame. I hand rub that onto tuna steaks along with whole seeds as well. Again, I’ll give the added black a try again as that I don’t do.

Wonderful dish as always Greg and while you are enjoying your tuna just think the rest of us here are eating dat “Catfish Blues” :D

»» Foobar2k ::: Jimi Hendrix - BBC Sessions (Disc 1) - 12 - Catfish Blues ::: 0:42/5:29 ([size=5 ::: 1060 kbps ««

Thanks for the help and the yelp...

The mortar and pestle is a great tool in the kitchen like hammering on the "piano keys" one can also take out frustrations grinding the herbs...

I can appreciate your style and modifications to a recipe. The one who makes the meal controls the taste. Fortuneately what I make for dinner everyone else likes...sometimes too spicey for my daughter...though. I can modify and add my heat separately.

Looks fantastic! I love Ahi. My Costco usually has good pieces. I generally go simple with a quick sear, soy sauce and real wasabi on the side and maybe some pickled ginger if I'm lucky. Gotta try this someday!
That all sounds good, a quick sear is all it needs. Real Wasabi beats the typical horseradish anyday.

One of my all-time favorites. Nice work Greg!
Thanks J.If we're in Hawaii for a week I'll eat variations of sushi/sushimi half dozen times.

Now that is how you treat a fin piece of Yellow fin tuna. Looks wonderful, I rarely eat cooked tuna at all now but when I do that is how I will eat it!

Thanks Chris,

If it didn't use the seeds and just blackened it I would have seared it less and cut it down to 1/8" thick. My favorite is cubed "poke" raw with some citrus, oil and chili flakes...

Damn... That looks legit.

I wish I was so brave to attempt such a dish.
Give it a try, I bet you can get some day fresh Tuna from the Gulf.
Greg that looks amazing! I have never cut the tuna into logs. That is interesting. The ginger sauce sounds terrific. I like to use Mae Ploy and Sriracha with mine (separately). You cooked it perfect for me. Nice job.

"Set the Tuna in searing 3 minutes a side"

I have a question. Does it actually sear wit the seeds on there? Or does it more toast the seeds, and cook the flesh under?
Agreed, Poke is another amazing way to eat fresh tuna, Hawaii has some amazing eats!
Agree, Hawaii has some amazing food, best fresh fish I've had from anywhere. Part of it is the crazy sauces used from island produce...stuff ya just can't find inland. Upcountry Maui has cattle ranch's, one of the tastiest burgers I've had came from there.

Chi-town just got another spot closer to the top of my "next vacation" list.

Hit Chicago in the Summer......between any of the events......traffics

Greg that looks amazing! I have never cut the tuna into logs. That is interesting. The ginger sauce sounds terrific. I like to use Mae Ploy and Sriracha with mine (separately). You cooked it perfect for me. Nice job.
Thanks, Mae Ploy sounds interesting, and Sriracha with rare Tuna and a cold brew...what more can one ask for. Raw/Rare....."Hokie Poke".....that's Yellowfin, any further.....that's Tuna Salad.


"Set the Tuna in searing 3 minutes a side"

I have a question. Does it actually sear wit the seeds on there? Or does it more toast the seeds, and cook the flesh under?
Good point. The way I did it , the seeds toasted, enough searing hest to penetrate the outer layer of fish. You could toast the seeds ahead of time...some folks use oil, I've used Macadania Nuts with this also. 3 minutes is the most time per side with the seeds. If they start popping "like the 70's", then the heat is too high. Idealy, if I were blackening a tuna steak it would be about 1 minute a side at most, high heat for an 1.25" thick piece.