• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

grantmichaels [2013, 2015, 2016]

I'm thinking I might do a glog this time around ...

I'm really good about photodoc'ing, but a little lax w/ posting ...

New arrivals from CCN soaking up the negative ions and perking up after their trip down the Eastern Coast ...

I am releasing the Mystery Citrus, and I have divided up the original seed stock and have some reservations for folks - for one reason or another ...
If your name is below, and you would like to claim your reservation, just reply to the thread indicating it, and PM me an addy ...
10x - Ajijoe (made his available to others)
15x - Rocketman, SoFlo, and Romy (RM accepted, will have the allotment for all parties)
12x - shorerider and bumper and Booma (shorerider accepted, and the others will have access through him if they'd like)
12x - Wicked Mike (accepted)
10x - wayright and buddy (can't PM wayright and buddy made his available to others, not growing (i forgot)
10x - Pfeffer (accepted)
10x - JHP (already has)
10x - filmost (accepted)
9x - hogleg, Scovie, and SL (hogleg accepted)
7x - D3monic (accepted, have addy)
3x - sirex (accepted)
3x - aarontt (accepted)
6x - queuqueg (sp?) and Chewi (QQ accepted, I'll PM Chewi)
6x - HTH and sicman (HTH accepted, will have some for sicman)
6x - FB and tctenten (tctenten accepted, will fwd to FB)
6x - spysee and CAPCOM
6x - JayT and geeme (JayT accepted, will have some for geeme if she would like some)
3x - Red Savina (accepted)
3x - Scuba Steve (made available to others)
3x - PaulG (accepted)
3x - oldsalty (accepted)
3x - Jamison (accepted)
3x - CH73 (accepted)
3x - SmokenFire (accepted)
3x - BigB (accepted)
3x - Essegi (reducing grow, made available)
Need to package:
4x, 12x - juanitos and coach (juanitos accepted, coach can get SASBE from him if wishes)
3x - Ozzie2001 (accepted)
3x - meinchoh (accepted)
3x - Yellowfin2na (accepted)
3x - Sawyer (accepted, I think?)
3x - Rymerpt (TD)
If there's multiple names, I'm hoping I can mail the seeds to one of the two and have them forward the difference on to the other person.
The idea is to get the seeds into VERY varied people's hands ...
I'm weighting towards people whom I feel I've noticed to be "hubs" of genetics, or who I feel will be a fan or steward of it getting a foothold and perpetuating ...
I'm also weighting a little bit heavier for the expat folks ...
It's not a good plant for powder producer etc, as the pods are a pita to pick and deal w/ - but the flavor is definitely there, and I've tried a lot of pods and powders from a lot of members in the past 4 years - none of which tasted like these ...
In fact, I'm only saving 10 of the original seeds for myself, but I am sending a bit more to Florida folks than everywhere else - to try to make sure there's some seed stock in the area =) ...
"If you love something set it free" and all that jazz ...
PS - you can defer your seeds to a different member, or you can defer them to the other person listed in your allotment too. Anything unclaimed after a while, I'll make available to others ...
grantmichaels said:
I f**king hate every one of the 962 pages that were in the extended version my AP Lit teacher made me read ...
i think futurama called it a... " dense ponderous tome of symbolism" or something like that . lul.
i read it because i was BADLY misinformed... i thought it would be about bad asses with beards chucking spears into whales,  along with what ever other ocean raping activites manly men of the period participated in.
also i tried to read " the fall and decline of the roman empire", after hearing it mentioned on an episode of MASH... i thought it would be a legitimate... accessable discussion of the history of rome, but it was a totally impenetrable piece of edwardian bullshit.
its totally stupid archaic manner of writing. its stupid as fuck. and its all moralistic which makes my balls hurt. 
it was written in like the late 1800's or some time sooner i dont even care to look it up.
such a disappointment. thinking about that makes my fingers tense up as i fight the urge to make a fist and pound my desk.  i was at this stage where i was vaguely interested in ancient history after watching this and that program on what ever cable channel... this book ruined that interest, like an aids victim bleeding into a public pool.
fuck that book.
juanitos said:
i'm not sure what to think about this.
ps i like your little plastic containers, guess you didn't care about them being clear growing algae or whatever.
there's the first little piece i'm watching ...
but the plants are going to soil next week, just used to start them ...
the little contraptions w/ get lightly bleached and get loaded w/ a new rockwool cube and voila, next round ...
i'll be rebuilding my oldschool, was-way-cool-before-it's-time rig next week and sharing it here ...