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One of my plants is limp and floppy during hardening off process

I'm in the process of hardening off my plants, but one of my bell peppers is still limp after 6 hours indoors. The leaves are all really floppy. The plant beside it is a healthy bell pepper plant for reference. Also, I left them outside for about 2-3 hours today, and I even watered them again after seeing it go limp. What should I do?




give it a little more water. It looks a bit dry...... just enough to where it comes out of the bottom, then back away and let it be.... should be fine
First off a disclaimer: I'm the laziest gardener here and rarely go through a proper hardening off process. Having said that, a few of my peppers look similar to yours and I suspect it's more to do with cooking in the sun than a water shortage. Most of mine that got droopy also became burned in the following days. The leaves on several of the droopy ones turned white (sun scald). It's almost never a big deal for me. They survive and the new growth is fine.
continue to harden off after they recover, but limit the time. You'll see when they start to get stressed, then move them to shade and give them a little mist. I had the same thing happen to my bhut seedlings
Give it a day to recover. After it perks up again you can continue hardening off. Like I said cover up those black pots, they heat up the roots and cause the plants to wilt more quickly. Can you harden them in the am sun? A.M sun is best because it's less intense

That sounds good. Yes I wake up around 10am, so I'll put them out at that time (after a day of recovery). Thanks!
Trust me..... water them, and walk away. After they recover overnight, put them back in the sun when you wake up at 10 a.m. (lucky bastard!) and move them to the shade when they start looking stressed and give them a good misting. They will love you for it. I have two bell pepper plant from last year that I just gave new shoes to, and they're loving their new digs.

I find that so many people are so afraid of overwatering that they tend to underwater. Water them!
For whatever reason, my bells have been more sensitive to the hardening off process. Even after a week of hardening off, they are still getting a little limp mid-day. They're also the largest and most mature plants I have so perhaps the process is a little harder on them since they've been indoors longer.
Those big leaves are getting to much sun, your plants appear to be shooting new smaller growth to adapt to their torture....My Chinese grow big leaves on the patio, after they go outside they drop em and grow smaller leaves. GL
Just look like me after 2 days walking in the mountain in August having forgotten to bring ... a bottle of water ....
if you haven't done so, invest in a misting bottle and epsom salts. mist them before going to bed and you will be surprised on how strong they will look in the morning.
How are they this morning?

It's still limp, but I'm giving it one more night before I cut the damaged leaves off. I watered the pot thoroughly after I made this thread and I might give them more water today with a good misting after the sun goes down.