food NW Shennanigans 11-8 BOOM!

It's on. Saturday.

Chile Juju and SalsaLady


SalsaDude and Scovie.

We be cookin up some meat!
So, SL... should we do two kinds of meat on a plate CHOPPED style? as in each team starts with the same two types of meat? SalsaDude don't like chicken, so what do you suggest? Ribs and burgers?
Steak and Pork Tenderloin? Salmon and Butt roast?

Or should we just do a free for all? Me and Dude need to talk about the ass whoppin we're gonna give you ladies. :rofl:
I think you should start a poll and let the voters decide what the "secret" ingredients will be..... just sayin'!
:rofl: I think we have at least decided we are each doing two meats, on a plate.
SL and CJ will do one plate (two meats)
and the same for me and SD.

Maybe a Cabbage-rice wrap with a marmalade glaze on the side? lol
Definitely Surf & Turf, I want to see y'alls methods on a piece of meat and a piece of fish and how cohesive they are on a plate. Outdoor cooking means anything outdoors, you can deep fry on the grill, you can blacken... smoke, grill. This would be very interesting.
Surf-n-turf sound good.  Seafood was sounding good to me this morning. 
SumBits, I could totally rock those 3.  pineapple marmalade glaze on some halibut, cabbage salsa (just cuz I like it), and rice-
Inspired by geeme's post.
PNW better bring it.
I want to see a platter piled high with Quilcene oysters.
And I want to see a whole smoked king salmon aka chinook.
Ain't no nookie like chinookie.
I also want to see a fire pit slow roasted baby orca.
Scov, make me a souffle with spotted owl and eagle eggs.
Spit-roasted wolverine kits are awesome.  Should be able to roust up a couple of those.  The Forest Service has a couple of den locations on their website.
Split beaver tail on Master Chef last night. Dude made it through.
Little change of plans-  I realized the 'Kid was signed up for a fundraiser Saturday night, so we're each cooking in our own digs.  I'm a little disappointed I won't be able to see Scovie crawl away in shame after seeing/tasting what I'm making.
BTW,  a lot of you may not  know this- We've been friends with SD and CJ for probably 13 years.  Done a lot of cook-em-ups at both our homes.  SD and another chef/friend who used to live in the area had a mole throwdown way before the TV show made throwdowns a household word.  We probably had 10-12 people there and it was totally blind taste testing, even had red and blue bowls so we wouldn't know who's was who's.   Fun Times!  (who won that TD, anyway???? All I know was that schtuff was GOOD!)  
salsalady said:
Little change of plans-  I realized the 'Kid was signed up for a fundraiser Saturday night, so we're each cooking in our own digs.  I'm a little disappointed I won't be able to see Scovie crawl away in shame after seeing/tasting what I'm making.
BTW,  a lot of you may not  know this- We've been friends with SD and CJ for probably 13 years.  Done a lot of cook-em-ups at both our homes.  SD and another chef/friend who used to live in the area had a mole throwdown way before the TV show made throwdowns a household word.  We probably had 10-12 people there and it was totally blind taste testing, even had red and blue bowls so we wouldn't know who's was who's.   Fun Times!  (who won that TD, anyway???? All I know was that schtuff was GOOD!)  
Booooooo. I was looking forward to FTing and seeing this "firsthand"