pests Bug Egg ID?

Does anyone know what this egg is? It’s extremely zoomed in because it’s microscopic, much smaller than a pin head and barely visible to the eye. Since the strong zooming the color is slightly off, thru a 30x’s magnifier its much greener taking on the lush color of the leaf internally and external it’s very clear but the green leaf matching gives it a cloaked appearance, easy to miss. I removed the leaf and placed in a jar with cheese cloth top to see if it hatches. BTW I’m not sure if there are more on other leaves but still looking …  Any suggestions?
I think it is some worm type bug. There was a thread a few days ago with the same type of egg just one single egg and it was a hornworm or something similar.
Nightshade said:
I think it is some worm type bug. There was a thread a few days ago with the same type of egg just one single egg and it was a hornworm or something similar.
stc3248 said:
Thanks Rob & Shane, I'm at work now but it's in a glass jar. Unless it can eat thru cheese cloth and crawl like 50 ft to the nearest plant I'm ok till mañana as I won't be getting home early tonight. I didn't find any others but now I'll have to look more closely at every plant :/ The bastage was on one of my clone White Bhut attempt plants ... was lucky to spot it.
I’m in big trouble, probably headed for a plague of epic proportions :( ... Time permitting I inspected 5 plants this morning, I have to say 3 of them are very hard to do a perfect job because they are so bushy. I must have pulled 50+ of these hornworm eggs between the 5 different plants and I’m sure I could fine more on the bushier plants but even then I could miss some.
I could not get to every one of my plants around the yard, I focused in the area that I found the first one posted in #1. I’m monitoring the one I put in the jar to see when it hatches and time permitting I’ll have to inspect the rest later today and tomorrow but I have a bad feeling knowing how much damage just one of these worms can do :/
Is there anything like a spray that would kill the eggs? I do spray these with neem but only once every 7 days to stop any further mites ... oh the horror, I'll be having bad dreams tonight ,,,
Edit: Just had another 10 minutes and found more, this is going to be tuff if they start hatching :/