hybrids color genetics/breeding colors.

I enjoy genetics, and have been trying to find a breeding color chart on peppers and can't find one or any real info on what colors are dominate or recessive to what colors!  
Looking at things I think Yellow would be Recessive to Red, but is chocolate Dom or Ress. to Red or what is peach  to Yellow? is there any genetic chart on breeding pepper colors and if not, I think it would be a good thing to start collecting data, and see what we can find.    
Thanks meinchoh, 
I seen that before and only shows Red and Yellow one resin I think Yellow is Recessive to Red, but there's a lot of colors out there. :)
I really like Genetics and so I like to know how the genes works when breeding and one of the easiest  as to breeding is colors, IMO well for the most part.  
Like if breeding a Yellow to white what color will be the F1''s or Chocolate to a orange, or a peach and purple, breeding colors in peppers shouldn't be to hard to understand but I can't find any info as to that colors when breed to each other what colors the F1's will be!   
It looks to me to be more complicated than just a simple dominant/recessive gene interaction. Eye colour in humans was thought to be simple in that way for 100 years. It now seems to be much more complicated than that and I suggest you start your reading with that example, if you haven`t already.

Here`s a beginning article,
Yeah I have been studding genetics for like 30 years I just can't find anything on the genetics of peppers colors other then a little and that's not more then what meinchoh posted already. and that's pretty much, Yellow and white is Recessive to Red and Red is the Dominate color, but there's a lot more colors then that, and I like genetics, I was hoping to find some chart on colors..  I don't like to talk all genetic but understand a hole bunch as to breeding, and well most of it I can't spell but as to colors of peppers for the most part shouldn't be to hard to breed for IMO it's not like some colors in pigeons that are a make up of a few different gene combinations making a pepper color 1 in 256 in the F2's I would think.  
About the only things I can Find is.  Red is Dominate to Yellow and white. 
What if you breed Yellow to white what colors was the F1's?   How about colors like Peach, Orange, mustard, purple, Black, Chocolate, what  colors do you get when breeding the "non" reds together??      It would be cool to find info if there are dilute pepper colors or Partial Dominate colors or what not.    So if anyone Breed like a Yellow to an Peach or Orange to a Yellow what where the F1's colors?  How about Chocolate to a Yellow?  Things like that I would be very grateful to see what Members of THP got!      

Not sure if this helps any, I found it from another forum through a google search on color dominance.... I havent looked at all of it yet, but it seems kike there are genes that limit the amount of red.... not sure if there are similar genes to the same effect for yellow and brown but it makes sense.
Its too small on my phone, even zoomed in, to make much sense of it since things reference other genes, but it does seem to hold that genes determine the intensity of the color, which would result in the different shades.... gotta try to get this up on my computer and print it out or make a list of everything related to color....
Madballz 7 is a cross between a Chocolate Bhut and a Yellow 7-pot. I`m sure there are a lot more examples of odd color crosses. I do not know about F1 colors for the Madballz 7, but someone must.
Thank's rhm3769, That does help! 
Madballz 7,   Brown is controlled by two genes cl ( brown ) and y+ (Red) so breeding the Chocolate to a yellow the cl gene affects the y (yellow) gene, I am thinking the chocolate would be a color modifying gene so when breed to non Red you could get a few different "off" colors.   At lest that's my thought on the Madballz 7, color at this point.
I will be studding more on the genes but have already learned a lot, thanks!! 
Interesting.... theres a ppt file on the same site that shows it better.... the effects of the genes are recessive.... red is dominate to yellow, the two reduction genes are recessive, or I guess you can say increase genes are dominate and chlorophyll retention is recessive.... depending on how much cl masks the reductions, and not counting purple influences (although from everything ive been reading, purple only seems to be around in immature pods) there are between 10 and 16 colors for ripe pods.... two shades or red, two shades of orange, 3 shades of yellow, white, chocolate (possibly four shades) and green ( possibly four shades)....

Random thoughts here.... if I'm looking at everything right, assuming statistical balances, from crossing any two given varieties, just from color genetics, you have 256 possible outcomes although most will look and/or be exactly the same color.... problem, do any varieties produce 256+ seeds in a single pod?

If I did things right, crossing a pure dominate red variety with s pure white variety, all seeds will grow red and would be the same.... from there, any one plant could produce any red/orange or yellow/white shading with the majority still red followed by light red and orange.... about 42% red and less than 2% white....

I think ive lost myself....