Introducing my peppers on the forum

Hello people :dance:
Just posting some pictures of my current grow, pics are taken today and as u all can see the pods are still very small,
except for the Hot Portugal. The reason is cause i only started planting end May....
The plants are outside from 6am till 9pm and then they go for 3 more hours under the 600W HPS lamp to increase production.
I also plan to set them under the lamp during winter time to maximize my 1st harvest.
I have other plants which only stay outside day/night and not under lamp, but they are not my priority anymore scince they
are producing MUCH smaller pods and showing less vigorous growth.
The plants are all in 2 gallon pots (for the 1st season) and will be transplanted later to 4 or 5 gallon pots.
As u will able to see I've allready had a minor slug infestation (those bstrds ate holes in the leaves...) but that problem is resolved
(didnt remove te leaves, so the holes became bigger while growing :banghead: )
On the background u will also see the kennel panels (like a big jail lol) as our fencing needs urgently to be redone, else our dogs escape XD
So please excuse the poor environment I can show u guys for now :doh:
This is a picture of Bhut Jolokia Yellow (at least I hope it is.. Scince I looked up pics and mine show different features..)
U cant see it well in the picture but the plant has a whole bunch of new flowers waiting to burst open and allready has a few 1 inch pods.
The plant itself is about 1.5 foot tall (without the pot)

Next picture is close up from the largest Bhut Jolokia pod in the plant (2 fingers thick and 3 fingers tall)

Next picture is a Pimenta de Neyde about 2.6 feet tall (yes i know, we're still busy doing a complete house/garden makeover... looks like cr*p for now)

1st small pod for the Pimenta de Neyde

Following is the Hot Portugal, with huge (in my opinion ;) ) pods on it

And for the last pic for now a better view for the Hot Portugal pods

Thanks for taking your time to read and view my post, all comments, information or tips are very much welcome.
Will be posting more very soon!!
Don't be so hard on yourself, yours are looking better than mine currently. Battling a few bugs...
Awesome plants!!!
PS:  I think your bhut is a Naga of some sort. But that is a good thing too!
PepperDaddler said:
Don't be so hard on yourself, yours are looking better than mine currently. Battling a few bugs...
Awesome plants!!!
PS:  I think your bhut is a Naga of some sort. But that is a good thing too!
Indeed I allready was affraid it wasent going to be a Bhut, but like i've allready read in other topics : wait till they are fully mature before trying to identify.
When they are mature and I still have questions abt the Bhut I'll post it on the Identify section.
PS: when its really hot I dont mind, I'll just choose another suplier for the seeds (one who delivers what u've ordered... )