Finally finished up getting my undercurrent system put together and running. Was a royal pain in ass getting all the PVC pipes seated correctly in the Uniseals, and there are a few leaks in a the lines between buckets. Before taking them apart I am going to give it some time and see if all the iron in my dirty well water seals it up or if I need to use some sort of sealer. Used a 500 gph pump with Venturi valve to add more o2 to the water with 4 other air stones spaced out through the buckets. The control bucket is a reused 27 gal tub with 1 plant in it as I only had room for 10 buckets within the space in the shed. There is an additional 27 gal tub for the water reservoir sitting above the rest to top off everything with a float switch in the control tub. Have 1 fan right now with another 2 that I will mount when I get back home from work to get better air circulation inside. Used the 400w Sunburst I had and picked up a Raptor hood, ballast and bulb off eBay for a steal to cover the majority of the plants. Will see how it does.