Aji Bolsa de Dulce

This is an Ajijoe creation that Joe very kindly sent to me. Thanks Joe!
All i can say is get hold of some of these peppers as soon as you can, seeds, plants, whatever you can find. They are outrageously good peppers. Sweet, crunchy, fruity and about Jalapeño-hot, with that certain delicious baccatum flavour.
The flavour is as clean as can be, with no off-flavours hiding underneath, no soapy taste and nothing complicated. Simple is sometimes great and this is an example of how simple IS great. Beautiful pepper in every single respect. 
thanks so much you are the first to review this one, this one was a real labor of love, its a cross between  AJI YELLOW AND CARMINE RED HABANERO
i eat these raw and love them I DO TAKE OUT THE SEEDS AND HAVE A FEW THOUSAND OF THEM NOW THAT ARE JUST ABOUT READY TO GO, i had the best harvest i have ever had this year with this one
this is a tall plant that will out-compete smaller species very quickly quite prolific too
the name means literally  "BAG OF SWEETNESS"
i am so glad you like it and i will; be checking out the white Fatalii
thanks my friend your friend Joe
So I'm sitting here tonight eating an Aji Pineapple and a Cream Fatalii from Silver Surfer via coheed196 and sipping some Limoncello via cone9 and now I have to add yet another pepper to my want-to-grow list!
I think, Nigel, that if you reviewed a turd from a hyena and raved about how delicious it was we would all have to eat it ourselves!
Guess I'll have to look over Joe's seed list a decide what else I need to order along with these!!  I love how big and thick and crunchy they look.
cone9 said:
I think, Nigel, that if you reviewed a turd from a hyena and raved about how delicious it was we would all have to eat it ourselves!
Guess I'll have to look over Joe's seed list a decide what else I need to order along with these!!  I love how big and thick and crunchy they look.
Nice one Joe!
Would love to try it myself... ;)
I have a question, what's the desired phenotype of this pepper, I have 3 plants and all 3 are showing different shaped pods. 
One is throwing these pods

Another the Bullet shaped pods

The last one I don't have a pic handy but they are rounder than the first picture. Almost like Champion. 
Is there anybody who grows Bolsa De Dulce next generations?
I grew it this season and got very tasty peppers and a great plant.
Since I don't know if the seeds for my plant were F1 or F2 or whatever, I would like to know if there are any experiences with the next generation. Are the seeds fertile at all?
2 pics


They supposed to be stable, I do see some variation though. Seeds should be ferile. I'm growing it again this year.
D3monic said:
They supposed to be stable, I do see some variation though. Seeds should be ferile. I'm growing it again this year.
Thanks, did you grow it from seeds of your last season plants?
Mine look unlike any posted above or the one Nigel (from whom I got my original seed) reviewed.
Here are some pics from last years grow:


These were sweet, crunchy and mildly hot.  Some grew over 4" long.  They are longer than the one reviewed and somewhat flattened - like a bean pod.
They are somewhat bothered by BER - in fact I was not going to grow it again after 2014 as I was having no success getting any pods past the BER to ripen.  Near the end of the season I finally had a couple ripen and discovered how delicious they were so they were in for '15.  I am growing some of the pictured generation as I wintered over one of my 2015 plants.  I am also growing another plant from seed saved from last year but it was slow developing and has no fruit as yet.
The 2015 plants were grown from seed saved from my 2014 plant.
I have sent seed for this variety to quite a few TPH members.  I wish I had saved a list to see what developed for each of them.  We seem to have some broad variation in what we are growing as BdeD.  If the strain was stable, what is out there now certainly seems not to be.  
(It appears the milkman may have spent some time in some of our gardens!)
Thanks a lot for your extensive report!
Well, as far as I know, Bolsa De Dulce is a Hybrid. As long as you plant F1 seeds, all the fruits will be pretty uniform.
Planting the F2 seeds from F1 plants the upcoming plants will split into Bolsa De Dulce and their both parents.
That means you have to grow not only 1 plant to see all kinds of different pods.
The only thing you can do is to select the pod you want over generations to get a stable variety, I did that with a LOCO hybrid.
Whatever, the pods I have shown are delicious that's why I think about to grow it again. Right now I have some seeds in a small box to germinate and made a cutting of my plant too.
Thanks a lot for you answer, very nice pods!
My big concern was that the seeds of this hybrid would not be fertile.
I think it's worth it trying to stabilize this tasty hybrid pepper.
Hans Ri said:
Thanks a lot for you answer, very nice pods!
My big concern was that the seeds of this hybrid would not be fertile.
I think it's worth it trying to stabilize this tasty hybrid pepper.
I'm planning on over wintering the one with the round pods, so I get the exact same pods next year too. I'm saving seeds, and will be giving out seeds for the round one to friends to grow in their gardens next year.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
I'm planning on over wintering the one with the round pods, so I get the exact same pods next year too. I'm saving seeds, and will be giving out seeds for the round one to friends to grow in their gardens next year.
I made a cutting some days ago, just in case and started a germination test. Seeds are from the pod shown.
Just checked the 5 seeds and all germinated.
Some of my green pods shown are red now, I'm fine with the shape and will be selecting the biggest for seeds. Will be giving out seeds to friends too.