food MoA Pancakes \o/

I think this is self explanatory but WTH … chop up some Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture Scotch Bonnet Peppers, mix into some Aunt Jemima Buttermilk mix and fry dem up ^_^ Syrup is optional, hehe



Jamison said:
Well????? You crazy bastard!
Well it was awesome, I’ll be doing this one again with other peppers too and yes I did use a little syrup FTW …
MeatHead1313 said:
That sounds delicious! I don't have any MoA bonnets, but might have to try this with some Tobago bonnets I got from pepperlover. Great idea!
Your right, it was delicious and yea it works well with any of your favorite peppers for sure. You can even thin the batch out with more water and use to make simplistic Crepe shell. Then stuff it with steak (or chicken), onions, garlic and more peppers FTW.
Jamison said:
Maybe some cream cheese and pepper jam or jelly would be good on that.
Great call Jamison ... sounds very tasty to me for BK. Heck I wish I had some of Rick's home made jam left but dat was gone in 24 hours, lol.