• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Buck$hots 1st GLOG @ Hydro

Well here goes. Got some sweet pepper, some hab's and some mystery have no idea what I planted peppers.





I was getting alot of flower drops (100%) moving them inside at night and outside during the day. After 7-15 days in the DWC I have 12 growing peppers :dance:
Looks good. Looks like you're getting the hang of it. The dropped flowers are probably just the plant producing too early or under stress. Those lights should keep them happy. Do you have 2700k bulbs in there? They look like cool daylight. Gonna need some red spectrum to get some chlorophyll going for them to produce peppers.
Yeah they're 6500k. Got some 2700's lying around I think. I was trying to get some growth as these guys are small, but I guess they decided its go time lol
Have had some serious setbacks.
1. Ordered new organic bug killer, didnt notice that it was concentrate and sprayed all my plant...BAAADDD!!!
    Lost every single leaf on every plant, soil, hydro, seedlings, bigger plants....everyone!
    Luckily most of them came back, about 2/3 survived.
2. I've been so busy with work that Ive barley had time too water them. The hydro plants didnt even get a water change for close to 6 weeks. Cant believe they survived at all
3. 2 Water pipes burst and flooded my basement as well as gave some plants extra water.
As of tonight all soil plants have been up potted. They were def root locked in there little cups. Down to 5 hydro plants with new water and nutes.
Hopefully everything goes smoother from here on out.
New pics up. The hydro plants that did survive really expanded their roots

Root growth looks a little off color... but for 6 weeks without a solution change I'd say they're looking awesome! Good size too. Mine are in the big 10" net pots so I can barely see any little roots sticking out.
Sorry to hear about all your bad luck, but glad to see you're pulling through! Best wishes going forward! 
Can you grow 4 peppers to full maturity in each of those tubs? Seems a little tight, but that would be awesome to know if it works...

Holy Hell! I didnt even notice the flowers in the pics above... those things are tiny, yet still producing! Crazy...
I feel your pain, brother.  Last season I nuked almost two dozen
plants by spraying with herbicide by accident.  Zero percent
survival rate there!
Nick08* said:
Can you grow 4 peppers to full maturity in each of those tubs? Seems a little tight, but that would be awesome to know if it works...

Holy Hell! I didnt even notice the flowers in the pics above... those things are tiny, yet still producing! Crazy...
Prob not to full maturity, but for now this lets me use less space for more plants, its a cheaper setup (for now) and I only have to worry about 12 gallons of water instead of 5x4(20).
Yep, have had a bunch of flowers, none have taken yet though on the soil plants. The one hydro plant has a little pepper and that came out of another 4-tub where the other 3 died.
I'm also interested in that LED light... what kind of specs is that thing rocking? Do you think it will provide enough light alone, or is it designed to be a supplement ot the floros?
Updated pics. With the new pots and soil (4 weeks ago) things have started to take off. Growth is much better and things are looking great now that there's no neglect lol
Of my 4 hydro plants, each one has taken a different path. All are in the same nutes, water, lighting, heat....but everyone is different.
1- Growing great
1- was hurting but doing much better now
1- was hurting, barley holding on but rebounding about 1/2 as much as the other
1- Dead in a week
Also, I guess my last cpu supply doesnt like Miracle Grow splashes, It smoked out and I've replaced it with a much nicer one

Wont let me post pics, gotta check the link