food Cranberry habanero jelly

Hi all. Every year for Christmas at my wife's job everybody gives each other a small gift. My wife suggested I make some pepper jelly and fill some 4oz jars for her to give to her co-workers. After tossing up some different ideas, I suggested a cranberry-habanero jelly. My wife loved the idea so the search for a recipe began. I ended up following this recipe-
17 to 20 habanero peppers (about 1 cup diced)
1 1/2 to 2 large red bell peppers (about 2 cups diced)
1 1/2 cups white vinegar
1/2 cup whole cranberries, fresh or frozen
1/2 cup dried, sweetened cranberries (Craisins)
7 cups granulated sugar
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
3 ounces liquid fruit pectin (1 pouch Certo)

Wearing food-safe gloves, stem, seed, and dice habanero peppers. Seed and dice the bell peppers. Process peppers in a food processor or blender until minced. Add the vinegar and continue processing until smooth.

Heat a 6 1/2-quart stockpot over medium-high heat. Add the pepper slurry, and the whole and dried cranberries. Cook, simmering and stirring often, until the whole cranberries burst, about 6 to 8 minutes. (Do not breathe the vapors!) Remove from heat. Use an immersion blender or food processor and puree until smooth.

Return stockpot to heat, add sugar and cook, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved. Add the lemon juice. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, stirring frequently, for 20 minutes. Increase heat to medium-high and bring the mixture to a rolling boil, add the pectin, and, while stirring constantly, cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat, ladle into sterilized containers, and process containers in a hot water bath for 10 minutes.
I made 2 batches and finished with 24 4oz jars and nearly 3 pint jars full.

Had a quick try of the first batch before adding the pectin and it is delicious! 
     This looks awesome. I have a ton of frozen habs to use up. I think I'll run them through the food mill and shoot for an extra smooth jelly. Now I have to decide which variety pairs up with cranberries the best. :think:
Thanks for the kind words all! It really us a super simple recipe (hell if I can do it and not screw up anyone can!). Was supposed to have Monday and Tuesday off, but that's now switched to Wednesday and Thursday so will be making this year's batch then.
     I just made a batch of this stuff tonight. Believe the hype. The flavors of cranberries and Caribbean red habs complement each other perfectly. I'll post pics when I make two more batches tomorrow. 
I bet this recipe will also work great as a pancake syrup by cutting back on the pectin so it stay more of a liquid. I had the jam on my pancakes tonight and WOW!  I think I'm going to experiment later this week with that.