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50 ghosts extract

Fifty powdered Bhut Jolokia, 3/4 cup of Everclear.
A week or so in the refrigerator, a couple of weeks to evaporate, to be continued...
impending_bending said:
I wouldn't advise putting it in the fridge, it will just take longer. Also, it is possible that you will saturate the alcohol so the leftover peppers will still have heat, flavor, etc.
I found I needed to drain off the initial 3/4 cup of alcohol and introduce another half cup.
I just finished straining that second round of alcohol off and I am letting it settle in the freezer for a day or two before I do another straining. Maybe one more straining after that to remove the last bit of sediment before evaporating.
Anyway, I have time to wait...

JayT said:
Will watch this, but 50 isn't gonna make much...
Probably about a tablespoon.
Extract is a lot more involved than what you are doing. Steam distillation ("Distillation and Expression") is the most common form of extraction, but there are other types (Solvent, Co2 and Organic) depending on your desired end game. All methods are typically a two-step process. I think what you are making would be better classified as a Tincture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tincture

Good luck!
Scoville DeVille said:
Extract is a lot more involved than what you are doing. Steam distillation ("Distillation and Expression") is the most common form of extraction, but there are other types (Solvent, Co2 and Organic) depending on your desired end game. All methods are typically a two-step process. I think what you are making would be better classified as a Tincture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tincture

Good luck!
OK, but quoting from the the article you linked; To qualify as an alcoholic tincture, the extract should have an ethanol percentage of at least 40–60% or 80–120 proof. Sometimes even a 90% or 180 proof tincture is achieved.[1] In herbal medicine, alcoholic tinctures are made with various concentrations of ethanol, 25% being the most common. Other concentrations include 45% and 90%.
As I am evaporating all the alcohol, only the 'resin' or 'oil' will remain.
However, perhaps 'extract' is also not technically correct, although it works for me as a general definition.

After two strainings, ready for evaporation:
I have been searching all over for the equivalent of Everclear in Canada. Our government doesn't like high proof booze. Any suggestions on how I can make my own extract here? Does anybody know of a way to get Everclear in Canada?
I'll see if one of my buddies in Alberta can ship it to me. I was thinking I could try BioFlame Ethanol, but they throw some additives in it to make it undrinkable, now if I can find out what they through in there it may be worth a shot.