Those are all beautiful.
Does anyone have some old CPI bhut seeds? I'd love to see what sort of variation they would give me.
PepperLover said:
Hey Charles, me too, i found variation in their strains, over the years i picked, selected, re-selected this one very large plant and pods about 6 inches
You should select these guys for a bhut strain if you're not already.
Did your bhut jolokia reds originate from the CPI strain?
Here are some bhut jolokia reds I bought from you 2 years ago. I sure loved them and growing them again this year.
Bhut reds on the top:
I've noticed there is huge variation in bhut jolokias. It's quite incredible.
Edit: I noticed the pic on your website for the bhut jolokia reds shows the CPI one posted in the thread, so I think it's safe to assume the ones in the pic I posted are a variation of those (I'm not certain of the peppers one the bottom). The variation would explain what I've thought might be a cross. The peppers I'm not sure what happened (cross or variation) are on the bottom of the pic above. I grew 3 of them out last season. They look different from the ones in the pic but looked just like each other. I've been baffled by it, lol.
Edit again: I probably don't need seeds since I might have the variation I'm looking for already.
Edit: Here is an offspring of the bottom pepper in the picture above:
I'm not sure if they're an accidental cross or crazy variation
I really like these, so I'm glad if they are a hybrid or strange variation. They all taste like bhuts. The picture sucks unfortunately, but they got nice pimples on them and bumps.
PepperLover said:
i have noticed they move from green to orange then red, some bhuts just go from green to red.
Some go from light green to red. It's quite odd.
The two other offspring but the pods are green

Let me know if you think it's a cross or crazy variation. All of them have the bhut/naga flavor.