The Holy Grail..........found in Vista, California

I`ve been getting Manzanos from the same Mexican place for over a year and they`ve been great. The whole time I`ve been hoping that I`d somehow find a single red Manzano from Mexico. Don`t call me Ishmael, call me Ahab!!!
Well, today was THE day. A single red Manzano amongst all the others. I picked up the different ones they had and here`s the small but beautiful haul. I`m so happy!!!!!!!!!
smokemaster said:

One seed grew true if not whiter pods.
It was killed...
I have 1 plant from the last seed growing now.
One pod on it indoors in isolation.
Now THAT is an awesome and ridiculously rare thing. I hope your plant makes it and thrives. 
smokemaster said:

One seed grew true if not whiter pods.
It was killed...
I have 1 plant from the last seed growing now.
One pod on it indoors in isolation.
That is a beautiful pod sir! Hope the plant grows out well!
It ,the pod was from Vallarta Market.
There were 7 of them over a period of several weeks.
That was the whitest pod.
I have seeds from the yellower white ones but so far they grew yellow-though very light yellow-pods.
The plant is taking over my kitchen.
I think I'll try cuttings...Just in case...plant is pretty big now,covered with buds.
But my kitchen is always 80+ degrees.
Red shows up like at your market-one pod every year or so at most.
Reds mustn't keep as well as the regular orange,orange/yellows or yellow pods.
Reds are usually beat up-over ripe etc.
Wow, my market stopped carrying those weeks ago. I had a small run of them, wish I would have stocked up on more. Never saw any Reds or Whites (all orange or yellow), but quite frankly I did not even think to look for them. Now that I know they can be tossed into the bunch I'll be doing a little more produce mining next time they come to town. 
smokemaster said:

smokemaster said:


One seed grew true if not whiter pods.
It was killed...
I have 1 plant from the last seed growing now.
One pod on it indoors in isolation.
Really nice,Mike. I hope you succeed getting white producing plants. Was the taste any different from the Orange and yellows?
Dang Smokemaster If it throws out some good pods (which I hope it does) you are going to have to let me get some seeds... How did it taste?? I love manzanos. They are a new favorite of mine.
I didn't eat it,I kept the pod until it was over ripe to ensure the seeds were viable and the pod wasn't going to turn yellow or was white due to sun damage(NEVER saw a white Manzano before).
Market pods are picked green for shipping.
I wanted to make sure this pod had viable seeds and WAS truely white.
Not sun burn't or from a diseased plant.
MOST/ALL white manzanos are what I call light yellow...
I dried the mushy pod and tossed it in with the stuff waiting to be smoked.
I found only 1 pod that is pictured,the rest were Yellow White.
7 pods total.
So far only 1 plant grew PURE white pods from seed.BUT I had MOST of the other plants killed by broad mites and spider mites.
I put all my eggs in one basket at the time.A VERY bad decision using hind sight.
I gave 1 plant to a friend to take care of.
He didn't save seeds(screwed me BIG time).BUT showed me pics of a couple pods that LOOKED whiter than my pod.
IF I get a white pod from my plant I am going to go to possibly F8 before I even think about spreading the seeds around.
I'll NEVER make the same mistake again of trusting anyone to grow out anything for me and expecting seeds back.
I do believe the plant has Albino genes.Though people I sent seeds to got yellow pods.
In general,it's a work in progress.
At the same time I've been picking the lightest pods from light yellow plants in hopes I'll get a pure white before I die...
It truely is my holy grail...
I'm a fan of Monty Python since the 70's.
SM - Please keep us updated on your progress. It will be interesting to follow.

"No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Once I;m sure I have a pure white pod/plant I'll spread seeds around.
One advantage is Pubes don't cross with most other varieties except a few wilds as far as I know.(white rocopica/ulupica pods).
Several wilds have been said to cross with pubes or be related to them...
I'm dealing with a plants genes rather than a cross.
Should be easier IF the white/albino genes are dominant.
IF I get a white pod I think I should try for clones to grow out several plants that will polinate each other to hopefully further strengthen the gene strain.
IF white is dominant-actually I think it is more like a lack of red,yellow or orange genes.
At least I hope it'll work...IF I have a white poded plant to begin with.
I do know a few fellow pube addicts that would do an inquisition thing on my fat butt if they thought they could get white pods.
Find my plant and or seed stash. LOL
I'll NEVER make the same mistake again of trusting anyone to grow out anything for me and expecting seeds back.
Don't let it get to you! You were kind enough to help me out with some Jalapeno Farmers Market Potato seeds and while they are mere seedlings now, I will be isolating them and hopefully getting some true seed back to you. Thanks again buddy!

P.s. sorry for the off topic post Nigel!
P.S.S. wouldn't crossing a plant with its clone, have the same result as letting it self pollinate? I don't know much about breeding and find it all very interesting
illWill said:
Don't let it get to you! You were kind enough to help me out with some Jalapeno Farmers Market Potato seeds and while they are mere seedlings now, I will be isolating them and hopefully getting some true seed back to you. Thanks again buddy!

P.s. sorry for the off topic post Nigel!
P.S.S. wouldn't crossing a plant with its clone, have the same result as letting it self pollinate? I don't know much about breeding and find it all very interesting
Not off topic at all. Those white pubescens are like the Unicorn version of peppers, to me anyway!!!
The farmer's market here in Poway had Red Manzanos all last Summer and at a really good price. I will keep my eyes peeled if you're looking for them brother.
stc3248 said:
The farmer's market here in Poway had Red Manzanos all last Summer and at a really good price. I will keep my eyes peeled if you're looking for them brother.
Thanks Shane. That is fantastic news!!!
Where is the Poway Farmers Market held?