Back by popular demand we have decided to have another " Who can grow the tallest pepper plant contest " . The great thing about this competition is there are really no rules other than you must live in the Continental US and you will be required to post pics of your plant( or plants ) from seedlings to adults on a monthly basis.The plant of choice is the Aji Chuncho. This is from the Capsicum Frutescens family. It will grow to up to 6 feet quite easily with fairly little human intervention.
All contestants must post on this thread if they would like to get involved. If you already have seeds for this you can start your own on Feb 14. This contest will go from Feb 14th to Oct 31st. Myself , wayright, or Prodigal_son will then contact you and get some seeds out to ya. Please do not pm us .
There will be prizes given out for the winner by all three of us. Now lets get this baby rolling
All contestants must post on this thread if they would like to get involved. If you already have seeds for this you can start your own on Feb 14. This contest will go from Feb 14th to Oct 31st. Myself , wayright, or Prodigal_son will then contact you and get some seeds out to ya. Please do not pm us .
There will be prizes given out for the winner by all three of us. Now lets get this baby rolling