Ají Challuaruro


Ají Challuaruro – from El punto de ají - Programa de Hortalizas
Like the looks of Ají Challuaruro?
Do we know this one under another name?  (There were no search results here or at thechileman.org/.)

I thought that the Aji omnicolor was alittle wider at the top and mabe a bit shorter, but I could be mistaken. It is a nice looking plant and the pods are nice also, I assume the pods ripen to orange or red, how are they for flavor?
Yes,you are right there,mine are shorter,and fatter at the top,and I don't know if its supposed to happen,but the caps are turning purple too,just like the 7pot bubblegums' cap would turn red (does this happen with the aji omnicolor?) .
They ripen from a pale white to purple,to orange to red if I'm not mistaken.
One of mine is already turning orange,but the rest are all still purle.
They do taste nice,and they have a wee little heat,but good for cullinary use in my books
The only other photos I've found show bins of mostly purple-and-white pods . . . which doesn't prove that constitutes ripe but suggests, likely, these chiles get used at purple-and-white.

Source: Mistura ...& Ajíes Pirú ...
I'd love to know how they taste and more.  They are certainly decorative.

Hi, I was able to source some seeds for Challuaruro and some others directly from Peru. 


The seeds germinated on midway of april.





Flower pods forming, 17.06.2015
Currently they are flowering with green baccatum flowers and producing first pods. They do look quite similar to Omnicolor (C. baccatum), but they lack the odour of "cat's urine" which is usually quite apparent on the strains of Omnicolor which we have been growing here in Finland.