fertilizer-nutrients Anyone use "CHILLI FOCUS" fertilizer???

Yes, some yesterday actually. Its a good all around fert. Cost a lot as its from england. Don't think id buy again just for that reason but i don't use any fert often so it lasts.
this forum has a number of posts on chilli focus over the years, just do a search from the main menu and you can read plenty on the subject from member's opinions to member's actual results.
if i remember correctly most said they wouldn't buy it again but there was a wide range of comments. but, if you are a busy person and blending soils and nutrients is not your thing, this product may have some value; at watering time, you would just mix, water and go about your business until feeding time again.
Well, if you already bought it, just go ahead and use it. I used some last year and it was OK. Not any better that some other generic one at as similar (or even) lower price point.
It is easy to use.
I have used Chilli Focus for about the last three years with fantastic results.......but as already mentioned it is expensive for me to get here in Canada...shipping cost's are more than the product itself....I am
going to move on to a different product that is more available to me.....just have not decieded what it will be. :)