Pyrethrins leading to leaf rust? Photos

I sprayed pyrethrins last Sunday evening, after the sun was down.  Day temps are hanging in the 90Fs.  Today I see rust developing on a lot of leaves.  Of course, some aphids are beginning to reappear.  I'm scheduled to reapply the pyrethrins on Friday, but, now I'm not sure if I should stay the course.  Any thoughts?
I have used a spray that have pyrethrins and oil on my 30 plants 3 times with 3 day between each spray and have not seen any rust.
I had the same and it was sunburn. I think that if it was bacterial ther would have been a darker edge on the spots
romy6 said:
 I agree sunburn did you spray in the middle of the day ? 
First sentence, first post: "I sprayed pyrethrins last Sunday evening, after the sun was down."
I went to the local hydro-canna shop, and they concur with the sunburn diagnosis.  I guess I'll just have to let the burn happen.  Aphids come first.