contest BEGIN! Pizza Party Throwdown

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The Hot Pepper

The end of the year brings the first THP PIZZA PARTY!
As long as what you make can be defined as a pizza, you can enter one in each category below:
  • Classic/Rustic - From the classic Margarita to a minimal arugula and provolone. Classic, minimal topping artisan pies.
  • Lovers - Meat lovers, cheese lovers, veggie lovers, etc., this is where you show off your toppings as well as your skill.
  • Deep Dish - This is for all the pan pizzas. From Sicilian to Chicago-style, to covered pies.
  • Unique - Unique doughs, proteins, shapes, etc. A pita pizza? A shrimp and grits pizza? Hella unique!
  • Dessert - Pizza dough dessert pies in any shape that eat like a pizza.
YOU MUST MAKE YOUR DOUGH FROM SCRATCH and post ingredients and measurements of doughs and sauces so your creations can be replicated.
Also remember there must be a spicy element to your pizza. Pepper flakes/powders are common for pizza, so if you want to show your pizza in its true form (like a Margherita), at least show your choice of pepper powder in one pic, dusted on a slice or the pie. It does not have to be spicy in every pic. That is up to you. 
To enter:
Make a post for EACH pie you enter, choose a category above, and title it.
5 pics allowed in each final post.
There is one mandatory pic. A side view of one slice that shows the crust.
PoL = 3.14 (in a pic with all the ingredients, or one finished pic). Round up if necessary.
READ: The 5 Rules for an eligible entry
If there is only one entry in a category that pizza will be moved to a different category.

And I forgot to add the 1 mandatory pic. The slice side-view to show how the crust turned out. 5 pics total, you can show your process, the pie, and a plated slice from any angle as long as you show the side-view.

Also remember there must be a spicy element to your pizza. Pepper flakes/powders are common for pizza, so if you want to show your pizza in its true form (like a Margherita), at least show your choice of pepper powder in one pic, dusted on a slice or the pie. It does not have to be spicy in every pic. That is up to you.
I'll post my pol later...
for now I have to make dinner (which this will hopefully be.)
here is a prep of some of the dough getting ready to rise that I started on Tuesday.

and I'm posting this pic just to represent a slight mishap I had tonight while working around a gutter on the roof. got a small gash in my hand, butterfly bandaged it up. I would have posted the picture of the actual cut, but I figured I'd get some warning points for it. That being said... I imagine some of you might be of the 'no pics didn't happen' variety, so if necessary I can post one I think. Will be interesting to work around the hand.
The Keybird Kickoff!!!! It's official folks!!!!!!!!!!!
And take care of that hand.
This looks fun... I think I'll play too. :)  I made up a whole wheat dough tonight and it'll stay in the 'fridge until I make the pies tomorrow.

The Hot Pepper said:
4 pies bro?
Sure thing Boss! I've still gotta go out in the snow that fell last night and get a few ingredients for the toppings, but I think I'll do 3 classic pies and one outside the box. ;)   In the meantime... I made the tomato sauce this morning... ran a cup and a half of canned tomato through a food mill, added a tablespoon of tomato paste, pinch of salt, pinch of sugar, a few grinds of pepper, pinch of Italian herbs and a couple sprigs of minced fresh Basil, then simmered for 10 minutes to blend the flavors.
Got my crust ingredients and will be experimenting with it today. Y'all know I'm an extreme fan of Mexican food, and yes, this dough recipe hails from Mexico. Going two ways with it, assuming I can get things to work out in a TD-worthy way.
I would be all over this,but i had a real bad expercience with pizza and two ex-girlfriends.

Lets just say I almost got killed that night.
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Sic, you might want to delete your membership to the "The Hefty Play" forum, (ironically, also THP) could you imagine if you got a troll-turned-stalker from there?
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