chinense Christopher Phillips Douglah x Butch T Scorpion information..

has anyone ever tried Christopher Phillips "Douglah x Butch T Scorpion select strain" as well as Steven McLaurn's (forgive if I misspelled) chocolate bhutlah? I see that Ted Barrus is claiming it to be just as hot, without trying either I was wondering if it would be worth the 13 bucks to try since the bhutlah isn't for sale yet..But just general information on it would be nice as well thanks in advance hope everyone has a great night!
Have never tried Chris Phillips version of Butch t x douglah but I've tried Mike Hess (smileyguy697) version both the F4 and F5 and they are some of the hottest pods I've ever tried. Have never tried the chocolate bhutlah at all.
Iv got some brown bhuts from semllas. I have 3 plants and they are all different. so not that stable. One of them in particular is the hottest thing Iv ever tasted..
Hi everyone.  I just wanted to make a few comments on this one and something in general.  This Chocolate Douglah x TS BT 'Select' is a very cool variation I have grown for a couple years that has showed very, very bumpy extremely hot brown pods.  I grew a good number of the plants this season and was very satisfied.  It really caught my eye when I grew it.   I continue to select and work on this one. 
I did want to let people know Puckerbutt offers a cheaper shipping option on domestic orders if people are interested. I believe Ed said the shipping cost is around $1.80 or so if the buyer is willing to receive it without tracking options in a bubble envelope.   I personally would be fine with that as I've had very, very few domestic mailings lost over the years and am willing to risk it. 
If anyone has questions, just let me know.  Thanks!
Thank you to you Chris, for growing such amazing varieties and share them with us!
As i said before i already ordered this variety from Puckerbutt, you've been very clear in your explanation and Ted Barrus's video was quite exemplifying on how hot this Pepper is and what can be its taste.
I only have a question, i believe this is F4-F5, am i right?
I noticed that all the pods in your pic on Ed's site have a weird, scary tail: is this a feature that's been common in all the plants you've grown of this selection?
Thank you again!
Roberto, yes F4-F5 status is correct.  Not all pods have tails, but I'd say 40-50% did in my grow-out.  All across the board were super gnarly and bumpy.  I would definitely recommend growing as many plants of it as possible to get the best shot at the tails  I had a few plants put out 75% or more pods w/the small tails. 
cmpman1974 said:
Hi everyone.  I just wanted to make a few comments on this one and something in general.  This Chocolate Douglah x TS BT 'Select' is a very cool variation I have grown for a couple years that has showed very, very bumpy extremely hot brown pods.  I grew a good number of the plants this season and was very satisfied.  It really caught my eye when I grew it.   I continue to select and work on this one. 
I did want to let people know Puckerbutt offers a cheaper shipping option on domestic orders if people are interested. I believe Ed said the shipping cost is around $1.80 or so if the buyer is willing to receive it without tracking options in a bubble envelope.   I personally would be fine with that as I've had very, very few domestic mailings lost over the years and am willing to risk it. 
If anyone has questions, just let me know.  Thanks!
Hey Chris could I order some of these direct off you? Can pay via PayPal. Only because they would need to be sent a certain way (normal envelope and no invoice/ paperwork) and not so confident that would happen if I order off the puckerbutt site. Could you let me know? Cheers!
I just put in an order for these at puuckerbutt...over 26$ usd for 2 packs of seeds (including shipping) . I paid 12$ for tracked shipping and asked they send it in a normal envelope..expensive special request. I hope they really keen to give them a try