Helmet Heads

I have some seedlings with helmet heads last year I had one and managed to get the seed shell off but the plant wasn't ever really the same and was lost.
I just tried to get one off and failed.
So I was wondering is there anyway to save the plant or should I just off the helmet heads?
if the seed casing gets too dry the leaves just get stuck in there.
I've had a couple grow just fine if the seed casing was like 1/2 off. If its completely covering the leaves though it's dead.
Thanks for the information Jaunito I think my Baccatums with helmet heads will be fine but the red habanero was a dead man walking anyway .
Thanks for all the information was able to save most of my helmet head baccatums the Aji cito took the brunt of it.
I have just left them alone and not had an issue. I waited for the 2nd set of leaf's and then just cut it off if they didn't fall off. Nail clippers are a must have for starting plants. Just  clip when the time is right.
The best method is to keep it wet. I like to take fingernail clipers a cut a slice in the seed and keep it moist. As the seedling grows it just pushes off the "helment". Or you could be pro-active and try to remove it all at once, but VERY easy to rip the seedling apart.
Thanks everyone for all the good advice.
Bjornson said:
Next time you're germinating seeds I really recommend soaking them in a water and baking powder solution for 24 hours. Since I started doing that I've never had a helmet head and I've also shortened the germination time. /Bjornson
Thanks how much baking powder do you use?
I really think I should of soaked my pineapple rocoto seeds
Just tried a bit of spit on one of my very few seedlings that actually germinated.  Defiantly softened the seed quickly, but I still ended up popping the whole head off trying to remove it.  It was my only bhut btw.  Almost all 72 of my seedlings has failed for some reason...  Hope this is not a sign of things to come in my pepper future.
I soak my seeds in an almost hot tea solution at about 1 bag per 4 cups of water, leave them to soak overnight and I get fast germination and no helmets .. I've even left them I for 48 hours before and had no issues although I don't try and do this as I freak out that I'm going to kill them lol but it never has yet..
I normally just carefully pinch it with a pair of needle nose pliers and slip it off or crack it open.  I have had much fewer 'helmet' incidents after I started planting my seeds a little deeper than I used too...
All my seeds get a 24hr soak in DI water with a little saltpeter before planting, germ rates are very good and never have an issue of what your calling helmet heads.  Then again I keep them in high humidity until they are starting true leaves so that helps keep the husks soft.