event NWCF- campout summary, post #83

edit 8/23/15 current summary in post #83, ~pg 5
Hey everyone,
It's a bit of a late start, but we still have time to get on the Kanasket-Palmer state park reservations for the 2015 Northwest Chilefest campout.
Please post this to everyone you know in the NW, reply if you're interested, make reservations ASAP....Link to new people who may not have seen this before.  (where's that TAG feature when you need it????)
Sept 11-13, I'm going for campsite #24 like before.  There are 3 others in that area still available right now and lots of tent sites, the picnic shelter is availabe if we want to do that again or just hang out at campsites.  Let Me Know what y'all think!
RS67man posted to me asking about it, and I've been tardy in getting on this.  I'm up for it if everyone else is!
Kanasket-Palmer state park reservations-
NWCF 2014

Aight- I have trailer site #24. 
AbsoLUTEly, TrueNorth~! That that would be greatly appreciated!  We love trying new sauces and things.  They're probably tired of my stuff by now (after 5 years of it), new things would be awesome. 
We spend a good amount of time sampling sauces and such.  Last year, I barely had camp set up and Smokin'James busted out some spicy jams.  YUM!
For food this year, I think everyone should bring a bag of chips and 3 sauces and we'll be set.  :lol: 
Anyway- for the new people---
This will be the 6th Annual Northwest Chilefest!  It's not an actual festival with booths and things, it's just a bunch of chileheads getting together for a campout at the Kanasket-Palmer State Park outside of Seattle WA (Maple Valley to be more exact).  In the past we've rented the picnic shelter at the park for a Saturday potluck.  Sharing pods, seeds, sauces, stories (real and otherwise ;) ) food and fun~~~ 
Hell Yeah!  Are we still thinking of the big campsite at all?
I vote yes if we are!     :party:
I volunteer bloody Mary's  along with whatever else!
I'll book a site now in case we don't do the big group site.
Okay, I booked site 25 for tent reservations, but we can
always add an RV or another vehicle at a later time if
need arises.  I was disappointed there were no yurt sites
available, and in general amazed by how many other
sites were already taken.
The campground usually completely books before Memorial Day.  The group campsite is a Walk-In site.  There aren't that many sites available, but we can double up.  I have an RV and can put a tent in the site also.
James and Paul booked!  SWEET! 
edit- and Hawkeye!
edit- RS67Man Walt PM'ed me yesterday, got me off my arse and moving on this.

edit- Picnic Shelter Booked!
edit- we can probably sneak a few more in if necessary if they can sleep in their vehicle....;)  ;) 
Site 25 is large enough to share with whomever has need.
I've recruited a camper or two from my neighborhood.
Ya mean there will be drankin?  :eek: 
:lol: definitely no drinking and driving.  I have an extra tent for those who might need it.~~~
Dan, make it a road trip with your Lovely and Family!  If you put out some bottles of sauce for sale at the potluck you can write it off as a business trip!  That's what I do~~ ;)  ;)
The dates are a little too far apart to work in the CA hot sauce Expo in Cali and this campout in WA in one trip :( 

look what I found at the store today!...pictured with the first daffadil of spring.  I couldn't resist~~~~ it even has a screw-top! 

Just waiting for powdered alcohol to become available at Hank's and we'll be all set! 
Thanks for the PM salsalady! Things with my home life are pretty crazy with my kids. Maybe when they are a little bit older I can slip away for one of these Chili Meetups!
Chehalis is close enough you could Day-Trip it!  We're kid-friendly.  Depending on how old they are, the Green River is right there for swimming and there's a large lawn for playing. 