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Mutant Candlelight

Where can I find the seeds of MUTANT CANDLELIGHT?


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It is a mutation of Candlelight - an ornamental varity - similar to Numex's Chili Institute's range of ornamentals but looking more like a very compact Poinsettia or Jap Hot Claw.
It appeared in a Finnish grower's batch of seedlings - it has yet to fruit so I would say it has very limited appeal - a chili that doesn't produce chilis.  "Hi, welcome to my apple orchard that doesn't produce apples" "So it's just an orchard then."  "Actually more like a woodlot"
Very interesting plant! Great for novelty - possible breeding experiments. More great pics here on the German site http://chiliforum.hot-pain.de(and throughout the thread...some pics over at http://www.wildchilli.eu as well..)
The last 3 or so pages have the best fully mature plant & pepper pics - http://www.chiliforum.hot-pain.de/thread-23567-page-11.html
I thought it looked like dried out Tarragon at first, or even a very dwarf species of a pure Cannabis Sativa variety (ie: Pure 'Haze', or some pure land race strain - an African/Swazi/Bush varietal) I like this one-
Pr0digal_son said:
Aropupu was the first person I saw grow this. Not sterile,many people are growing it this season.

*edit* It was bluesman who proved this plant wasn't sterile. My appologies. This is his photo.

is good is just mr bluesman, you know how I can contact him?
Bluesman real name Rauno if you look on the UK chilli forum " Chillis Galore" on the grow log thread you will find him lurking there .... very knowledgable and his hydroponic chilli jungle is always worth a look

Hope this helps Simone

23.1.2010; the first pic ever taken of this "thing". I let it grow because I couldn´t identify what species this was. It took a long time before I even realized this could be a Capsicum. Even when the first flowers appeared (the plant was 6-7cm in height) I wasn´t able too tell what genus this could be.
I got the Candlelight seeds from a fellow hobbyist in Finland. 2014 I received 1000 seeds from the original 2009 batch and screened if there were more like this.


Now that I know what to look for the mutants were easy to mark.


The screening revealed that about 2% of the seeds were mutated. Or a bit more since the germination rate was poor; ~20-30%.
This screening was done with 5 year old seeds but the result is, at least I thein it is, only one pod contained the mutation. 
Bluesman said:

23.1.2010; the first pic ever taken of this "thing". I let it grow because I couldn´t identify what species this was. It took a long time before I even realized this could be a Capsicum. Even when the first flowers appeared (the plant was 6-7cm in height) I wasn´t able too tell what genus this could be.
I got the Candlelight seeds from a fellow hobbyist in Finland. 2014 I received 1000 seeds from the original 2009 batch and screened if there were more like this.


Now that I know what to look for the mutants were easy to mark.


The screening revealed that about 2% of the seeds were mutated. Or a bit more since the germination rate was poor; ~20-30%.
This screening was done with 5 year old seeds but the result is, at least I thein it is, only one pod contained the mutation. 
Good morning Mr. Rauno, its plant is spectacular, congratulations! I wanted to know if I can buy some seeds, I would be very grateful
Bluesman, she is a beautiful plant. I adore the pictures.
If I may, how well does she set pods? Did you have to do anything special?
danish said:
Bluesman, she is a beautiful plant. I adore the pictures.
If I may, how well does she set pods? Did you have to do anything special?
Thanks, I think it looks like a dill or something awful but it´s quite peculiar and rare. The plant starts to set pods when less than 10cm tall and it doen´t need anything special. The other thing is to get seeds which are pretty hard to get. 10 pods this year ripened without a trace of seeds. 