Is this bacterial spot? Photos

Have you sprayed with neem or other oils on the leaves? The first photo looks very similar to when my apartment complex accidentally power washed everyone's plants including my young peppers. They eventually grew out of it.
suchen said:
Have you sprayed with neem or other oils on the leaves? The first photo looks very similar to when my apartment complex accidentally power washed everyone's plants including my young peppers. They eventually grew out of it.
I'm pretty sure it's rust, or bacterial leaf spot.  I let it go too far though on some plants.  Apparently, I'm reading there is no cure, especially if it has advanced.  I have a bottle of this (bacillus subtilis), which I will try this evening, if no one else has a better idea.
Are these photos of the advanced plants or ones just showing symptoms? I found a few pics showing leaves looking like this but most other pics of bls have yellow and black necrotic spots. These almost look like tiny sun burn spots. If it is leaf spot there is no cure which absolutely sucks. I had a scare a few weeks ago that turned out to be over fertilizing. Researched up and down trying to find a cure for leaf spot. I did read that serenade was good at keeping it from spreading and was going to order some myself until I figured out that I had over fertilized and wasn't leaf spot
Some plants are worse than the ones in the photos. I'll spray all plants with the Serenade, and at least keep it from spreading. If it's something else, no harm done.
I thought the same as Scorched that they may be spots where sunlight was focused due to oil droplets on the leaves.