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pod ID me for some free pods

First person to confirm ID these and I will send you a couple fresh pods.

Most likely something from my grow list. Plant is small and bushy and is being grown hydroponically. Some pods have points some have blunted ends. Pods pictured are ripe. They are mostly white (cream) colored but some have a redish tint to them.

Heat is about a 6 or 7 out of 10. Thanks for the help in advance.

I'm no expert but from the photos they look like peach sugar rush peppers.

This picture is from refining fire chilies.
mpicante said:
Looks like Bhut.peach maybe orange?what did the seed label read?Bhut cross perhaps.
I have no idea what seed pack they came from. But I had them labeled as Peach Wasp. They look nothing like what a peach wasp is supposed to look like other than color. Peach wasp are not stable yet but this is pretty far off from what they are supposed to look like.

Also I have a white fatali plant with many pods. Here is what they look like. A bit different in shape.

D3monic said:
Want to say white fatalii but leaves don't look right
I also noticed the odd shape leave type. Can anyone tell me annum, chinense, etc?
Sorry guys I didn't mean to leave yall hanging. There was a point were the post got buried so I didn't think much of it. It turns out it's an off pheno peach wasp. Some other guys growing it got the same thing. I had it labeled right.

Anyways I sent some pods to a few guys. If anyone wants some of these off phenos just pm me. I'm letting the plant die but there are still a handful of pods on there.