Isolating individual peppers with glue

There have been a few posts about doing this so I thought I'd give it a try.  I think it works pretty well.
First I took some small zip ties and painted them bright orange.  I put them in a cardboard box and sprayed paint in it and swirled the zip ties around a bit.  Then dumped them out on a piece of parchment paper to dry.  I also had some wood glue laying around.

Here is a flower on my Pimenta de Neyde x Naga Suomi F1 that has not opened up yet.

I put a dab of glue on the end of the flower like so:

I then mark the flower with a zip tie:

MOA Yellow SB flower:

With glue

Here is how I'm isolating another pepper plant that has super small flowers.  I don't recall what pepper it is:

Here is a flower that I glued a week ago on a SB7J F5.  The flower next to it is about the same age and opened up.  Yet the one I glue stays closed.  The flower is about to come off once the pepper inside pushes it off

A few flowers tagged on a wild, I think.

Cheers!  Let me know if you have success with this method.
I am sorry.  I am utterly lost but very interested.  Is the idea to glue the flower shut so it acts as if it were a bean / closed pollination (useful for growing out)?  If so, am wondering what the advantages are over isolating the whole plant with bridal cloth from the start?  It does take a bit to build a frame for the cloth, but seems that gluing individual flowers would be more work in the long run.

Kind of wondering if maybe there is a draw back to bridal cloth?
ajdrew said:
I am sorry.  I am utterly lost but very interested.  Is the idea to glue the flower shut so it acts as if it were a bean / closed pollination (useful for growing out)?  If so, am wondering what the advantages are over isolating the whole plant with bridal cloth from the start?  It does take a bit to build a frame for the cloth, but seems that gluing individual flowers would be more work in the long run.

Kind of wondering if maybe there is a draw back to bridal cloth?
Exactly -- since peppers can self pollinate gluing the flower shut keeps it isolated so it is not cross pollinated by insects/wind. bridal cloth works also but there is still chances of wandering insects that get into the cloth getting through or the wind getting some pollen through the weave of the cloth (definitely reduces the odds but can happen)
I think either will work.  Just needs to be non-toxic.  Luckily I haven't had rain.  If you get rain then this method will not work.
Jdfan, originally I used a fixed frame and bridal cloth for isolation.  That turned into movable frames.  Works great except they are damn heavy and it is a royal pain in the ass to move them around.  Takes two people.  Going to give this a try this year.  Still going to move those heavy ass frames around, but the more I can do by myself the better.  But if it works, maybe next year will rely more on glue.

I'm finding out that you have to time putting on the glue perfectly.  As in the day before the flower would normally open.  If you put it on too early the flower will drop.  
I tried putting netting over a few of my pots but it seemed more of a PITA than using glue.  Plus I only need to isolate a few pods per plant to have plenty of seeds for myself and to share with others.