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other-condiments Salsa Lady's Scorcher Hot Sauce

After a week of recovering from the Southern California Hot Sauce Fest, I finally got to try Ann’s Scorcher Salsa, and I now know how she earned the name Salsa Lady. Let me first say when it comes to Salsa I’m quite the critic. I personally make my own batch every two weeks for the few that can handle the heat. I have tried on several occasions to get it down to just “Hot” so others could enjoy it. I have used less peppers, more tomatoes, and have even gutted placentas and seeds to try and lower the heat a little, and I always end up with a less than remarkable mild salsa. It seems the only thing I know how to do is make a screaming hot salsa with what I think is a wonderful flavor. Good for me and the few that can take it, but not good for the masses or the Super Bowl parties.
This leads me back to Ann’s Salsa. She nailed it! Great fresh ingredients of flavor that brings you right to the mark of Hot, leaving that pleasant tingle on your lips, but not the uncontrollable hiccups. I’m glad I got her Scorcher Brand and not the Triple X, as the Scorcher Heat is what I have been trying to achieve for some time now.  Ann’s Salsa is really something special, and that’s not just me talking, as actions often speak louder than words. So please read the following.
It was Saturday night and it was my well anticipated Taco night. My wife cooked the ground meat with all her spices, as I fried two dozen taco shells. Then we shredded the cheese and lettuce and chopped tomatoes. My wife threw all the sauces on the table including Lucky Dog Green, Lucky Dog “Dia El Perro”, El Yucateco Caribbean, Ann’s Salsa and my Salsa. My Lucky Dog Black Label and my Chipotle Reaper were left at work on my desk. It didn’t matter as I really planned to compare Ann’s Salsa to mine.
I started with 5 tacos, first the cheese (that way it melts to the tortilla), then the meat, then the salsa, then the lettuce and tomato. I wasn’t shy to start and I poured three large spoonfuls of Ann’s salsa in each Taco. Upon crunching down on my first bite I was amazed how close this tasted to my salsa. I had to have second look to make sure I took it out of the tub and not the jar. It wasn’t exact but very similar, and very good.
The flavor was just a bit more subtle than mine, which is a plus when you want to taste the food it accompanies. But the flavor was there, the freshness and pureness of her ingredients made me think it just came from the garden to the kitchen to my mouth. And the heat! Yeah baby that’s what I’m talking about! That is the exact heat I have been trying to get out my salsa for some time. After my next 5 tacos I realized there was something quit addicting about Ann’s Salsa, as I was already full, but could not stop eating.
I watched my wife start with Lucky Dog Green and then add Ann’s Salsa to kick it up a notch. She loves the flavor of Lucky Dog Green but now wants it to have Ann’s Scorcher Heat. We both agreed that Ann’s Scorcher Salsa is really the perfect balance of Heat and Flavor for both Chileheads and those Non-Chileheads that just like it hot.
So after eating a dozen Tacos myself, I turn to my wife and ask her what she thought of Ann’s Salsa. Of course like any good wife she replied “it’s good, but not as good as yours”. Even though it was my wife’s words, I did feel somewhat vindicated. Ann’s Salsa was indeed very good, but my wife was still on team Steve. Or was she?
It was 3 o’clock in the morning when I heard the toaster oven ding. I got up to see what was going on. As I came around the corner I found my wife wolfing down a taco. There in front of her and almost empty was an open container of Salsa Lady’s Scorcher Salsa. No other condiments were out! She looked at me sheepishly and said “what, I was hungry”. I left it at that and went back to bed. As of today we have never spoken of it. 
hogleg said:
Great entertaining review. Any man who puts down a dozen homemade taco's is a true Tacohead. Much respect, from a fellow Tacohead.
:cheers: Steve
Ann's Salsa Rocks!!
if I'm really really hungry I could probably take down 6 homemade tacos. Now I could do a dozen taco bells or taco truck small ones.
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SL3, that is a great story!  Thanks so much for sharing.  I'm so happy you and your Lovey enjoyed it, and the 3:00am bit?  :shh:    Your wife is a wise woman~
I wish there was a good way to ship.  I might look into doing a one-time shipping with dry ice something.  Dry ice isn't readily available around here, but there are a couple places about 40 miles away that have it during the summer. 
salsalady said:
SL3, that is a great story!  Thanks so much for sharing.  I'm so happy you and your Lovey enjoyed it, and the 3:00am bit?  :shh:    Your wife is a wise woman~
I wish there was a good way to ship.  I might look into doing a one-time shipping with dry ice something.  Dry ice isn't readily available around here, but there are a couple places about 40 miles away that have it during the summer. 
You really do make a great salsa. Wish you brought more and set out samples, you would have cleaned up! Cali's are just waiting for something like this. I can totally see your Salsa in our Trader Joe's locally. And those times I ran out of mine, I would be heading to the store to get yours. 