Pretty sure I've got some herbicide damage here

The pics tell the story.
First one is a Wiri Wiri, hit the hardest.

Next are some others, just distorted new growth.


Any ideas, or are they done for? About 75% of my in ground plants are affected. Thankfully I have about ten in buckets that are virtually untouched. Overall, I'm not optimistic about this year's harvest.

Life goes on...
     If you've ruled out mites, then it is most likely 2,4-D damage. Same thing happened to me the two previous seasons. 
     Your only hope is to pick off all the affected foliage. 2,4-D is translocated to new growth by the plant's vascular system. As long as it is in your plant's system, it will continue to do damage. Picking off damaged leaves as they grow will slowly eliminate the poison from your plants. Affected leaves won't grow out of it on their own, so be ruthless. The sooner you remove the damage, the faster your plants will outgrow it.
     Good luck!
I had similar growth (though nothing like the first one) turned out to be spider mites. Some azamax nipped them in the bud. 
Roundup is glyophosphate as far as I know. Liquid death, I use the shit out of it along the fence lines. One application and all grass and weeds die pretty quickly. Just bare dirt half way through the summer. I'm about due for a second application as some weeds are starting to pop up. 
We got several large jugs of it from my wifes grounds keeper at the school. They made him get rid of it. 
how did he rule out mites? thats mite damage if i ever saw it...
most new 24d formulations are of the less volatile amine salt. unless your neighbors are spraying it, its unlikely to be 2-4.d

actually i should say... pretty much anyone that knows what they are doing will be using the amine 2,4-d in and around homes.... some moron could always get ahold of the ester type meant for interstate right of way spraying and field crops... its always possible.
the amine type only drifts something like 500' from what i recall reading.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
If you've ruled out mites, then it is most likely 2,4-D damage. Same thing happened to me the two previous seasons. 
     Your only hope is to pick off all the affected foliage. 2,4-D is translocated to new growth by the plant's vascular system. As long as it is in your plant's system, it will continue to do damage. Picking off damaged leaves as they grow will slowly eliminate the poison from your plants. Affected leaves won't grow out of it on their own, so be ruthless. The sooner you remove the damage, the faster your plants will outgrow it.
     Good luck!
Tried removing most of the distorted growth. Will see what happens. Thanks for the tips.
queequeg152 said:
wanna talk about nuclear power?
Am I that obvious?  Yep, would love more solar and wind power.
ribbedturtleneck said:
Tried removing most of the distorted growth. Will see what happens. Thanks for the tips.
Listen to the advice on mites too.  If those were indoor plants, that would have been my bet.  Outside, I rarely have trouble with mites but only because our outside offers them lots of better things to eat.  Most neat and tidy backyard pepper grows have a nicely trimmed lawn which mites don't fancy too much so they stay on your plants.

When trying to figure out what happened, you gotta consider where you are growing.  I would almost never think pesticide because I am surrounded by cow pastures, deer forage, and hay fields.  Nobody sprays a thing near me and when I say organic, I mean even the lawn.  I don't even use grass killer on the fence line.  Think herbicide only if someone has a reason to use it near where you live.  Well that or maybe you pissed off your neighbors something awfull.
ribbedturtleneck, I could not imagine being there and doing that again.  Did the condo thing for a while.  You pay a monthly maintenance fee, they mow the lawns and do the landscape.  Got in trouble for container growing on my own patio.  After a couple years, I decided I needed to live away from people or get used to prison life.  I chose living away from people.  Better for everyone.
When the wife and I were house hunting, we avoided anything HOA. I'm not about to let a few clowns tell me what I can and can't do with my property than charge me a monthly fee for that.
Yeah right!
stoney said:
When the wife and I were house hunting, we avoided anything HOA. I'm not about to let a few clowns tell me what I can and can't do with my property than charge me a monthly fee for that.
Yeah right!
You literally stole the words out of my mouth. Same story here.

I hate spell correct always spells something else. Sorry fat fingers.
Well, I emailed the property manager to skip our place when they spray the grounds. It's not a HOA or anything, so I don't think it should be an issue going forward. Chalk it up to a learning experience.
you should ask what they are spraying.
many management places arrange to spray pyrethrin for ants and insects etc. its billed as a freeby on a lot of leases... like free cable.
place i lived at in flordia... pest company would let them selves inside whenever and only spray the bottom floor around the exterior walls. not real sure why just the bottom floor.
Kind of noticing a trend among pepper heads.  They do not much like being told what to do with their own property.  I like that.