I had the Best Time Yet! and I think others feel the same. I'm already looking forward to Next Year! The weekend after Labor Day seems to be working, so it sounds like we'll keeep it at that time. We will have to be On Point when the reservations open up (I think it's 9 months ahead of the reservation date) to snag the yurts. We've kinda got some picked out, and I think I'll grab site 23 and 24 just for GP.
The Tribute Sauce-
I'd been thinking about making something for the NWCF. It's been a tough summer with the fires (again) and the loss of life of 3 firefighers up Twisp River. One of the firefighters was a local boy, 3 years out of high school. It really hit the community hard. The idea to make a tribute sauce to honor firefighters had been on my mind, so when I was at the FM and saw some gorgeous orange bell peppers and some sweet Gypsy peppers, the idea came together. I thought about what I wanted to do, chose the ingredients, cooked it up and did not keep track of anything. Like life, it was a one shot deal, never to be repeated.
I did not get the label printed, but it was supposed to go something like this-
2015 Northwest Chilefest Tribute Sauce
To honor firefighters everywhere and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect others
~You Will Always Be Remembered~
Ingredients- bell peppers, gypsy peppers, cantalope, pears, onion, apple juice, vinegar, lemon juice, Fatalii peppers, salt, spices.
That might not be the complete ingredients list, no notes and I can't remember. Everyone who came to the event got at least 1 or 2 jars of the Tribute sauce. I'm hoping to do something similar next year, different tribute.
OH! and even though John spent the whole weekend babysitting the sick dog, his suggestion is ....Bloody Marys EVERY morning!!!!

Good Mix, PaulG!
I'm good with a Mimosa on Saturday morning though, or even a Budweiser with Pele~~~

Kinda like our Bloody Sunday tradition. (OK, not channeling U2....really...)
All of the sauces we sampled and those that were reviewed went to new homes. There were several commercial sauces (including Red Hawk and a local Friendly Fire) I hope those who got the sauces will post up comments. Expecially those who have the reviewed sauces. I'll forward the comment sheets to the respective people.
I snagged Pete's fresh pico and that was my Monday morning breakfast, and on nachos for dinner.