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fermenting BigB's 1st ferment, sexual chocolate style. Advice? Did I screw up?

So, I was bestowed a generous gift of 11oz after processing of chocolate bhuts and scorpions for oldsalty. I read the forums and did what I thought was right but i want to confirm and also use this as a marker as to when I started the ferment lol
So here's what went in it:
11oz chocolate scorpions and bhuts
11oz carrots peeled 
11oz white onion
4oz garlic (all i had)
10oz mango
Put the above in my vitamix and made a mash mostly on low speed. I turned it up when adding the below, but not too high. 
so I did a total of 47oz x .035 to get 1.645oz non iodized morton's sea salt. 
Finally, I was going to separate the whey from organic yogurt i had in the fridge, but when I opened it it had mold in it. So instead, i used 6 pills of acidophilus probiotic vegetarian capsules as well as the liquid from a big jar of kim chi. I mixed in most of the liquid with the mash but I wasn't sure if i was suppose to add a layer on top, so i left some liquid so i could add that layer on top. Ace hardware didn't have the gaskets I needed, so I looked around and found some things I could use to replace it. voila, the pic below. I plan to let one bottle ferment for at least 3 months. The other I'll probably let it go till it's time for me to leave miami and go to med school, around august-ish (fingers crossed that I get in somewhere) 
JohnsMyName said:
Sounds just about perfect, nice work BigB!

Probably a little overkill on the starters, but certainly won't hurt anything.

Also, love the DIY airlock ;)
Thanks! I wasn't sure if a. the probiotics were still good and b. if they were the right ones to use, so added the kimchi juice for extra measures. hopefully she doesn't blow / overflow!
pepperguy1 said:
I bet that sauce will be excellent in favor. :drooling:   
i tasted the bits that fell out while i spooned the mash into the bottles. very tasty indeed! Can't wait for it,  but i'm going to have to!
On a side note, I've never processed this many hot peppers before. I used latex gloves, then washed my hands with oil and soap which is a trick that usually works pretty well for me. I just flossed and my mouth is on fire. 
I am always very careful to use gloves, section off the kitchen and then thoroughly Simple Green every surface, yet every time I still manage to cook my fingers and soft tissue on my face lol. I think it is coming from things you don't realize like bottle tops/sides, handles, etc... Never fails and usually gets me the next day on my way to work haha.
Awesome BigB I don't see a problem as John has already mentioned. The starters are a little much. Hahaha
A couple of the Probiotic capsules would be fine. Also put those ferments in a container in case you have an overflow. Though you should be alright but just in case :) that's going to be awesome!! So glad you are giving fermenting a try brother!! :) Best of luck keep us posted. And you go get em in school our future Doctor chili head! :)
JohnsMyName said:
I am always very careful to use gloves, section off the kitchen and then thoroughly Simple Green every surface, yet every time I still manage to cook my fingers and soft tissue on my face lol. I think it is coming from things you don't realize like bottle tops/sides, handles, etc... Never fails and usually gets me the next day on my way to work haha.
I think next time I do something like this I'll double glove it up, contrary to what i learned in school lol. 
oldsalty said:
Awesome BigB I don't see a problem as John has already mentioned. The starters are a little much. Hahaha
A couple of the Probiotic capsules would be fine. Also put those ferments in a container in case you have an overflow. Though you should be alright but just in case :) that's going to be awesome!! So glad you are giving fermenting a try brother!! :) Best of luck keep us posted. And you go get em in school our future Doctor chili head! :)
Thanks! Will do, I'll probably be traveling around the US for interviews in a few months....well hopefully. I hear what you say about overflow, but in general it's alright for them to be in the light at room temperature? No UV or temperature sensitivity? Just making sure
Room temperature is good. I think I read somewhere lactobacilus likes 77 degrees, but don't quote me. I followed Salty's advice and got a seedling heat mat for them. I also raised them off of the mat slightly with a cooling rack from restaurant supply store and keep them closed in a cupboard. Keeps a nice even warm temp. ;)

I wouldn't leave them in direct sunlight, but on the counter should be fine. I prefer dark myself, but I wouldn't say it's a must.

I am new at this myself, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

I'm sure one of the senior THP gurus will chime in.

Here's a pic of my setup, sorry its the best I have on my phone. I'll try to take a better one tonight.

dragonsfire said:
Nice little setup, love the homemade airlock :)
Thanks! All it is is a rubber stopper that normally screws into the bottom of something, so it fit perfectly in those bottles. and the tube fits really tight too. I was surprised that each of those bottles cost 13$ though, jesus but I just wanted to get it done and have it airtight so I bit the bullet
JohnsMyName said:
Room temperature is good. I think I read somewhere lactobacilus likes 77 degrees, but don't quote me. I followed Salty's advice and got a seedling heat mat for them. I also raised them off of the mat slightly with a cooling rack from restaurant supply store and keep them closed in a cupboard. Keeps a nice even warm temp. ;)

I wouldn't leave them in direct sunlight, but on the counter should be fine. I prefer dark myself, but I wouldn't say it's a must.

I am new at this myself, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

I'm sure one of the senior THP gurus will chime in.

Here's a pic of my setup, sorry its the best I have on my phone. I'll try to take a better one tonight.

ver nice looking jars! Any advice is better than none, so all is appreciated heh. How soon does bubbling occur usually? I moved it from the windowsill to the grow room, aka my brother's room. It might get a bit more light than the window, but it's much warmer in there. My mom likes to keep the house at 72 because of well....being and older woman lol we'll keep it at that
I also just put mine on a seedling mat as well. Sauce sounds good. Make sure you share pics when you go to preocess. I need to get a couple of mine processed as well. I think one I have is nearing 60 days. I've been so busy that I haven't had any time to process.
So here's a little update. I went to get some thai food, and found a brewing store 2 fronts down. They had airlocks but the gasket thing was weird. not sure if I did it right, but I suppose we'll see. Anyways, I wanted to do a yellow ferment. 300g of peppers, mix of aji pineapple, yellow trinidad perfume (not hot) and some cream fatalii (not hot). did 80% of its weight in white&yellow carrots and 30% of garlic and 4% salt. Was trying to mock one of buddy's simple recipes. Am I suppose to add water? Anyways, here's pictures of that and an update of the sexual chocolate ferment. it's been what, 19 days? I didn't add anything green to it, so I'm hoping that green stuff at the bottom is just the tint of the glass lol


I wouldn't use vinegar for 2 reasons. 1 the vinegar would slow down the good bacteria grownth slowing your ferment, and 2 the fermentation causes acidity and you may not even need/want much vinegar during final processing.
Oh and don't use tap water! It could have chemicals (chlorine) that will kill the good bacteria. Use bottled or distilled.
Nice job BigB you are on a roll brother!!! No don't use vinegar in ferments!! :) and as John pointed out no tap water unless filtered or boiled and cooled. But my brine is always wine!! White zin cheap as possible really works amazing and never get any nasties!! Give it a try!! :)

No need for vinegar because fermentation gives a natural tang that's fantastic!! And vinegar will inhibit bacterial growth!! How are the chocolates doing?