Welcome to LAND OF THE GIANTS 2016 - Biggest Jim Competition
Biggest Individual Pod Leaderboard
1. Big Kahuna, Numex Big Jim, 16.2cm long and 10.6cm circumference, score 26.8
2. Coldsmoke, Numex Heritage Big Jim, 16cm long and 9cm in circumference, score 25
3. Ben123, World Record Big Jim, 14cm long and 8cm in circumference, score 22
4. Skullbiker, Numex Heritage Big Jim, 11.3 cm long and 8.5 cm circumference, score 19.8
5. mrgrowguy, Numex Heritage Big Jim. 11cm long and 8.1cm circumference, score 19.1
Team Challenge Leaderboard
CG Total Score = 22
1. Ben123, World Record Big Jim, 14cm long and 8cm in circumference, score 22
THP Total Score = 70.9
1. Coldsmoke, Numex Heritage Big Jim, 16cm long and 9cm in circumference, score 25
2. mrgrowguy, Numex Heritage Big Jim. 11cm long and 8.1cm circumference, score 19.1
3. Big Kahuna, Numex Big Jim, 16.2cm long and 10.6cm circumference, score 26.8
Biggest Individual Pod
The objective is simple, grow the biggest Big Jim pepper you can and post your results in this thread and over the course of the season we will maintain a leader board of the biggest pods.
1st place prize - 1 (one) Kilogram of Chocolate Lava Powder, prize provided by http://www.pepperlover.com
A very exclusive powder still under development and not yet on the market, in the region of $200 value!
2nd place prize - 1 pound (0.454 kilograms) Dry Red Big Jim Chile Powder, prize provided by http://www.chileseedusa.com/
A very special powder originating from the very source of the Big Jim pepper, the Lytle family Chile Farm in Hatch, New Mexico!
1) Biggest pod = (length measurement + circumference measurement). i.e. my pod is 5cm long and has a max circumference of 5cm, giving a score = 10
2) Entries must be submitted with photo clearly showing length and circumference measurements posted in this thread. The pod doesn't have to be ripe. Pod must be pictured next to a ruler or tape measure to show length (edge of Cylex down to Apex) and with a tape measure wrapped around the fattest point to show circumference.
3) Entries restricted to 'NuMex Big Jim', 'NuMex Big Jim Heritage' or 'Big Jim Legacy' varieties.
4) Number of entries not restricted - allowing for improvement of best result / bigger pods as the season progresses
5) Comp will run for the duration of the 2016 season, finish date for final entries will be 31/10/16
6) Leader board will be maintained throughout with entries from both CG and THP members at the top of the thread
7) Entry will be free and sourcing your own seed will be part of the fun
Chillies Galore Vs The Hot Pepper Ryder Pod Challenge
This is a team spin off from the main biggest pod competition. A separate team leader board will be maintained with the top 5 entries from CG and THP.
1) Post your entry to the THP thread if you are intended your entry to be counted towards the THP team score
2) Post your entry to the CG thread if you are intended your entry to be counted towards the CG team score
3) Team leader board will be maintained throughout with entries from both CG and THP at the top of the thread
4) The team with the highest cumulative score from the top 5 entrants at the end of the season will take the honours!
Big Jim - write-up from Chilieman; http://www.thechileman.org/results.php?find=big+jim&heat=Any&origin=Any&genus=Any&chile=1
“The Numex Big Jim is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the producer of the largest Chile pods ever grown, with specimens in excess of a foot long (12 inches) not unknown. The variety was developed in the mid 1970's by Dr Nakayama in conjunction with 'Big Jim Lytle' as a result of a breeding program at the New Mexico State University (NMSU), home of the Chile Pepper Institute. Plants grow easily and vigorously and are surprisingly small in comparison to the gigantic pods growing between 24" to 36" high. Up to 30 pods may grow on a single plant which ripen from green to a deep red approximately 80 days after transplanting seedlings.”
The world record holding pod was reportedly 33.75 cm (13.5 inches) long!, according to this...
Biggest Individual Pod Leaderboard
1. Big Kahuna, Numex Big Jim, 16.2cm long and 10.6cm circumference, score 26.8
2. Coldsmoke, Numex Heritage Big Jim, 16cm long and 9cm in circumference, score 25
3. Ben123, World Record Big Jim, 14cm long and 8cm in circumference, score 22
4. Skullbiker, Numex Heritage Big Jim, 11.3 cm long and 8.5 cm circumference, score 19.8
5. mrgrowguy, Numex Heritage Big Jim. 11cm long and 8.1cm circumference, score 19.1
Team Challenge Leaderboard
CG Total Score = 22
1. Ben123, World Record Big Jim, 14cm long and 8cm in circumference, score 22
THP Total Score = 70.9
1. Coldsmoke, Numex Heritage Big Jim, 16cm long and 9cm in circumference, score 25
2. mrgrowguy, Numex Heritage Big Jim. 11cm long and 8.1cm circumference, score 19.1
3. Big Kahuna, Numex Big Jim, 16.2cm long and 10.6cm circumference, score 26.8
Biggest Individual Pod
The objective is simple, grow the biggest Big Jim pepper you can and post your results in this thread and over the course of the season we will maintain a leader board of the biggest pods.
1st place prize - 1 (one) Kilogram of Chocolate Lava Powder, prize provided by http://www.pepperlover.com
A very exclusive powder still under development and not yet on the market, in the region of $200 value!
2nd place prize - 1 pound (0.454 kilograms) Dry Red Big Jim Chile Powder, prize provided by http://www.chileseedusa.com/
A very special powder originating from the very source of the Big Jim pepper, the Lytle family Chile Farm in Hatch, New Mexico!
1) Biggest pod = (length measurement + circumference measurement). i.e. my pod is 5cm long and has a max circumference of 5cm, giving a score = 10
2) Entries must be submitted with photo clearly showing length and circumference measurements posted in this thread. The pod doesn't have to be ripe. Pod must be pictured next to a ruler or tape measure to show length (edge of Cylex down to Apex) and with a tape measure wrapped around the fattest point to show circumference.
3) Entries restricted to 'NuMex Big Jim', 'NuMex Big Jim Heritage' or 'Big Jim Legacy' varieties.
4) Number of entries not restricted - allowing for improvement of best result / bigger pods as the season progresses
5) Comp will run for the duration of the 2016 season, finish date for final entries will be 31/10/16
6) Leader board will be maintained throughout with entries from both CG and THP members at the top of the thread
7) Entry will be free and sourcing your own seed will be part of the fun
Chillies Galore Vs The Hot Pepper Ryder Pod Challenge
This is a team spin off from the main biggest pod competition. A separate team leader board will be maintained with the top 5 entries from CG and THP.
1) Post your entry to the THP thread if you are intended your entry to be counted towards the THP team score
2) Post your entry to the CG thread if you are intended your entry to be counted towards the CG team score
3) Team leader board will be maintained throughout with entries from both CG and THP at the top of the thread
4) The team with the highest cumulative score from the top 5 entrants at the end of the season will take the honours!

Big Jim - write-up from Chilieman; http://www.thechileman.org/results.php?find=big+jim&heat=Any&origin=Any&genus=Any&chile=1
“The Numex Big Jim is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the producer of the largest Chile pods ever grown, with specimens in excess of a foot long (12 inches) not unknown. The variety was developed in the mid 1970's by Dr Nakayama in conjunction with 'Big Jim Lytle' as a result of a breeding program at the New Mexico State University (NMSU), home of the Chile Pepper Institute. Plants grow easily and vigorously and are surprisingly small in comparison to the gigantic pods growing between 24" to 36" high. Up to 30 pods may grow on a single plant which ripen from green to a deep red approximately 80 days after transplanting seedlings.”
The world record holding pod was reportedly 33.75 cm (13.5 inches) long!, according to this...