Sent Today, 04:39 PM
Growdown Throwdown 2016
Lets start off by congratulating tctenten for wining the 2015 Large Orange Thai Growdown Throwdown
Very nice work 
Hello, back by popular demand we have the annual growdown throwdown . . Should be an epic battle among-st some serious chili growing machines .
First the rules-
No one may start their seeds before February 14th
Contest ends October 31st
Minimum post count of 50 !
That's it!
your choice of pots or in-ground,,roundup or nitrogen,trim or top as you see fit,,anything goes
Please don't contact any of us,,post here if you want to play ,,someone will contact you for an address.
If you cant or wont update regularly,,do not ask for seeds
Do to a bad batch of seeds we have changed the growdown pepper variety to Peruvian Serlano . I medium heat ,easy , fast growing chinense . The new start date will be March 14th . We will send seeds to everyone that already has the aji blanco christal . And new players are welcome as long as they obtain their seeds on their own .
So winner will be tallest plant from base of plant to highest point . Reguardless to how you grow hydro, container or inground measure from top to bottom containers do not count .
See last years grow if you need visuals .
Good Luck ,,Have Fun,,Smacktalk is welcome
Growdown Throwdown 2016
Lets start off by congratulating tctenten for wining the 2015 Large Orange Thai Growdown Throwdown

Hello, back by popular demand we have the annual growdown throwdown . . Should be an epic battle among-st some serious chili growing machines .
First the rules-
No one may start their seeds before February 14th
Contest ends October 31st
Minimum post count of 50 !
That's it!

Please don't contact any of us,,post here if you want to play ,,someone will contact you for an address.
If you cant or wont update regularly,,do not ask for seeds
Do to a bad batch of seeds we have changed the growdown pepper variety to Peruvian Serlano . I medium heat ,easy , fast growing chinense . The new start date will be March 14th . We will send seeds to everyone that already has the aji blanco christal . And new players are welcome as long as they obtain their seeds on their own .

See last years grow if you need visuals .
Good Luck ,,Have Fun,,Smacktalk is welcome