misc What's your most productive plant this season?

Just wondering what everyone's most productive plants(first year) are/were this year?

Most of my best producers were started later and didn't have the same aphid problems etc. as ones started much earlier. I'd say my best producers this year are my: Cili goronong, choc Caribbean, bonda ma Jacque, and all of my yellow hab hybrids including the kapowie(red) and another relative that also turned out red. It seems all my best plants are C. chinenses again and I don't know why
Raja Mirch... crazy stuff. loads of pods. daily harvest. after that my other "Nagas" and African Birdseye.
Omri, do you have any pics of the Raja Mirch or the others?
Will take some pics tomorrow morning.
*writing a reminder down*

Hmmm... they're big, but not as yours. that Naga Morich you once showed is MASSIVE!
Umm, I harvested 4 pods off of a red hot cherry bomb I bought at the nursery.

Guess that's not much of a contribution to this thread :|
Poinsetta has few hundred pods on and a unnamed variety a hybrid with 100`s of pods on a plant only about14 inches high never seen anything like it :rolleyes:
Super Chili, Yatsafusa, and Criola Sella..have gotten well over 100 pods per plant for Super Chili and Criola Sella, about 50-75 per plant with the Yatsafusa
Its hard to beat super chilli for production, I just wish that I liked them more. Same goes for the pc-1(Naga Jolokia)
Mine would be Tabasco but their supposed to grow an abundance. I also have a datil that always has ripe peppers on her. Of my larger varieties I have a Bhut Jolokia that is again loaded with peppers right now. My first harvest in July I had more Nagas and T. Scorpions than nowdays.
By far Naga's The plant is going absolutly crazy, Now everything is going at the same time ! Next is a three way tie between Lemon Drops, Biker Billy's and Datil , then Yellow Fatelli, Brown Hab, Cubanelles, tobasco is about a week out and the largest Scoth Bonnets I have ever seen and finally finally I have a Rocoto Rojo nub that took forever....
I officially have harvested 52 scorpions off of one of my three plants. And an added bonus all of them have very pronounced tails and hotter than hellfire. The other two plants are not far behind at about 35-40 per plant.
All those below are heavy producers:Cap 1546,Timplin bird,Peruvian serlano,Explosive Ember.Israeli chile,Salmon,Purple habanero,Scotch Bonnet,Pertty in purple,Fire Serrano.Caiene,Island Hellfire,Goat,,Cherry bomb,Pointsetta,Pallo del Colle & Fatalii
Macho, many different bird pepper varieties, Bih Jolokia, Bhut Jolokia (podpiper's plant), TS Morouga Blend, Bih Orange, Pi 441606, PI 441615, Mutant Orange Habanero, Tobago Sweet Scotch Bonnet, and Wild Brazil.

My most productive are Super Chili and this Hab. When I planted it outside, I thought it was stunted. No growth for two months then it took off. It is full of pods. This side of the plant has the least pods.
My Thais (sorry, not sure which variety they are) and my Habaneros are/were very good producers. Kind of surprised and disappointed with my jalapenos and cayennes. I thought they were supposed to be big producers. They both are healthy plants and the jalapenos aren't producing too bad I guess, but I expected more. Hell I have actually only picked three of the cayennes so far. There are probably about 10-12 more on there that aren't ripe yet.
I have three that are producing really well. My Naga Morrich, White Hab, and Purira are most definitely good producers. Now when I look at all of the new flowers and pods on top of what I have with my Naga I realize.........I'll be making hotsauce!!:D I also got a late start on my Hanoi red, but it's really starting to kick off now as well.
I here what you're saying Cheezy. I'm not planning on growing small pod varieties much anymore, I just can't keep up with pickin' em... and I love large C. chinenses:)
orange habs, carribean red habs and naga jolakia.Still waiting on the hot ones who are loaded.Peach habs are starting to turn now and they are loaded.