The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:PS. I use buckets & recycle the potting media.............
I was asked in a PM by Masher what "process" I used to rejuvenate old potting media. I did this for another pepper forum so re-posting here was easy to reproduce and I thought others might be interested. The basics are... 5 gal. pail with 20 or so 3/8" holes for drainage, 2" layer of pea stones, landscape fabric to segregate media from stones (And make it easier to remove media for rejuvenation when necessary.) and products listed in instructions. Ready?
This is the pot with 5 year old "fallow/compacted" media.
Note 6-8" gap from rim where media was originally..
Grab the landscape fabric, yank it out of the pail and placed in wheelbarrow.
Grab the landscape fabric, yank it out of the pail and placed in wheelbarrow.
Last time it was Serrano, note how faded the plant marker is.
Note liner prevents media from mixing with stones and plugging drain holes.
Separate the landscape fabric from the compacted media.
The media is so compacted it looks like mud!
Bring on rejuvenation materials, new commercial potting media,
Some good quality compost,
Don't forget peat moss.
I usually mix them up at this point for easier progress on smaller additives.
Mix rates I used was pail of old compacted media - 1/3 each of new media.
I usually mix them up at this point for easier progress on smaller additives.
Mix rates I used was pail of old compacted media - 1/3 each of new media.
Now perlite.
And additional time release ferts!
Mix it all up....
Put the landscape fabric back in the pail.
Fill pail with rebuilt media, lightly tamp on hard surface to mildly compact.
Pot up your pepper plants as you normally would.
Another question asked was the root mass in the media which was not present in this fallow rejuvenation. Basically, when you yank the landscape fabric filled media and empty it in the wheelbarrow the media/root ball are easy to separate and any smaller root debris I leave in media to compost.
Hope this helps!