Did a search on the forum but didn't see any topics. Anyone heard of this?
Welcome back, stop hidingPr0digal_son said:Getting a good laugh picturing the interviewers asking Mr.Smith which parthenocapic pod he wants to showcase.
"BUGGER ME! Use the one with the rotten stem that looks like a dragon."
Pr0digal_son said:Getting a good laugh picturing the interviewers asking Mr.Smith which parthenocapic pod he wants to showcase.
"BUGGER ME! Use the one with the rotten stem that looks like a dragon."
dennish said:Here is the latest from the guy claiming to be involved in the development, I'm pretty dubious as things stand.
please don't call the mirror a premier paper all red tops are crap over here the reading age for them tends to be about 14 years old so they can cover more british moronsThe_NorthEast_ChileMan said:Yawn, only 2.5 million SHU's? This one's 4.7 million SHU's....> Borbhut
3 things, I can claim any SHU's I want for any pepper but without HPLC Testing it's just that, a claim, every six months someone lays claim to the hottest pepper (Just wait!) and The Mirror is one of the UK's premier tabloids that pass this kind of trash off as news.
shooter said:please don't call the mirror a premier paper all red tops are crap over here the reading age for them tends to be about 14 years old so they can cover more british morons
AJ Drew said:Spicefreak, I am confused. Heat per weight? I thought SHU was a measurement of dried powder of the whole pepper without respect to volume or weight. On being grown in secret, if a university were growing it maybe they didnt let we peons know.
ThatBlondGuy101 said:But on the topic of record breaking varieties being produced, how long is it until we begin genetically engineering plants in a lab? We could figure out the genome for chillies, and then boost the capsaicin producing stuff. You could even throw in some resinifertoxin producing things in, and voila, you've got a chilli with heat incomparable to the supers of today! If you wanted, you could engineer plants to grow thorns as well, to give them a deadly look....
AJ Drew said:Yes, the media screw things up. But if they got it right, its not the plant but the "plant food"?