contest Southern Hemisphere Growdown Throwdown - Aji Amarillo

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Here's the Poll for the variety to be grown in the 2017 Southern Hemisphere Growdown Throwdown.
Voting will close on Sunday 28th May, in one weeks time.

Start date we are aiming for is the Winter Solstice, 21st June. No seeds germinated before this date will be eligible for entry.
The competition shall run for one full year, ending on the 2018 Winter Solstice.

There is also a poll to determine whether the competition shall be height of plant or weight of pods produced by plant.

A Few Simple Rules:
Only one plant may be entered. The plant you are entering must be determined before the Spring Equinox on 23rd September.
No cheating; no head starts, no changing plants, no adding to harvest (if applicable)
You can grow your plant however you want, using whatever methods you choose.
You can start your seeds anytime after the start date.
Photographic/video evidence must be provided of your entries.

We will update this information as necessary.


Good luck, and have fun!
drathag said:
What about seed sourcing? If we already have some seeds of the chosen variety can we use those or will we all purchase from the same vendor regardless?
I'd say if you already have pure seed, it should be okay to use. But we'll have to see what others think.
At the moment, its tied, and we only have 8 votes in all up, so I'd say we extend the poll for a few more days. I'll also remove the ones that have n votes to narrow down the contenders.
So far Powelly, drathag, Gorizza, LocalFart, karoo, Shorerider, charlesquik and myself have entered.
25 days to go!!!!  :woohoo:
          Can't edit original post :(
Varieties taken out are:
Chenzo Roxa
Purple UFO
Peach Fatalli
Turkish Snake
De Arbol Blood
Han Rim Gwari Put
Aji Fantasy
MOA Scotch Bonnet
We are further narrowing the field.
The only varieties open for votes are:
Aji Amarillo
Aji Lemon
Bishop's Crown
Aji Jobito
All other varieties are gonsky!
If Shorerider and Gorizza could recast their votes that would be fantastic.
Thanks, TBG.
KAOS said:
Just ordered my Aji Amarillo from THSC
Also ordered some Cito to keep the Amarillos company.
Let's just hope customs don't want to enter the throwdown now.
EDIT - Are we growing Amarillos. Thought the poll was closed. Everyone vote Amarillo ....
Yeah, better close it before we get another tie...
Aji Amarillo it is!!!
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