review D3's El Scorponero f2 pod test

There're a few different phenos of this I believe, but this is a taste test of the one I'm growing. The newer, not yet ripe pods have more defined features as you can see in the part showing the plant. Thank you D3monic for letting me participate in the community crossing project. I have to say so far, this is one my favorites.
Joined by my co-workers Phillip and Jeffrey.
MikeUSMC said:
Poor Philip, gets the hiccups every time, lol! Takes it like a champ though! I like the "group forehead/nose wipe" at 12:50, haha! Everybody's looking around like, "Is it time yet?!" Hahaha!

Another great review, Peter! Thanks for sharing
Thanks for watching!
oldsalty said:
Peter as the James Bond song goes "nobody does it better"  Hahaha  Killer review as usual brother! :)
Oh tell Philip i'm a hiccup guy to i can get by the heat but just can't stop with the hiccups :)
I can be a hiccup guy myself, sometimes they just hit you that way. White Devil's Tail got me going the other day. :) Thanks for watching!
D3monic said:
Philips hiccups had my wife and daughter   laughing really hard. Every time you thought he was done  he would start up again. Poor guy. Thanks again for  growing   these out and reviewing them. 
No problem. I appreciate you letting me participate in the crossing project. I have a bag over one of the branches. I'll send you some pods when I have more ripe. I'll include isolated if I have any in case you want the seeds.