misc My Most Productive Plant EVER - C. Chinense

Thepodpiper gave me a chocolate (brown) habanero plant earlier this year. It was put in the ground 3 weeks later than most in my garden.

It's just become a monster! It's in an area with not so great soil and just packed with pods. For a first year plant, I don't see plants with 150-200 pods on it and nice size at that!

The pods are beautiful too. It's incredible because basically ever flower turned into a pod!!! The weight of the branch is so much it can't hold every pod. Dale, you saved seed for one productive strain. Thanks for sharing. :)


great Chris...I love it when I get a chinense that is loaded with hundreds of peppers....I am also growing Chocolate Habs but they are more round than long...
like AJ my choc habs are more pumpkin shape. First time i've grown them. And was wondering is the heat level blistering or not? It's just i've eaten 2 and thought the heat was not that great about medium i'd say and it came late, which was good because the flavour was
totally agree on the flavor but mine are blistering hot