Thepodpiper gave me a chocolate (brown) habanero plant earlier this year. It was put in the ground 3 weeks later than most in my garden.
It's just become a monster! It's in an area with not so great soil and just packed with pods. For a first year plant, I don't see plants with 150-200 pods on it and nice size at that!
The pods are beautiful too. It's incredible because basically ever flower turned into a pod!!! The weight of the branch is so much it can't hold every pod. Dale, you saved seed for one productive strain. Thanks for sharing.
It's just become a monster! It's in an area with not so great soil and just packed with pods. For a first year plant, I don't see plants with 150-200 pods on it and nice size at that!
The pods are beautiful too. It's incredible because basically ever flower turned into a pod!!! The weight of the branch is so much it can't hold every pod. Dale, you saved seed for one productive strain. Thanks for sharing.
