seeds little (seeds stash containers) question

i love my stuff well organised and im planning to use this (picture) as seeds stash in my frige

did anybody see a probleme using this...
i need your opinion
D3monic said:
I use those for powders. Not really necessary to refrigerate your seeds. I  store mine in a baseball card organiser 
i know its good i use that to store my small electronic part
but lets say i have those test tube on hand and want to use it
do you see any probleme.?
knowing there is a little bit more  air in the tube than in those little zippy bag
the cap looks good (seal)
I'd be worried about someone knocking it out of the fridge. Glass isn't the strongest and I'd hate to have my seeds get mixed up.
AndyW said:
I'd be worried about someone knocking it out of the fridge. Glass isn't the strongest and I'd hate to have my seeds get mixed up.

lol   :(   i know me too but
there in  polystyrene and i tested one there tuff
This is a good thread. I've been struggling to come up with ideas on how to organize all the seeds I've been accumulating. I've seen lots of ideas but I need something that makes sense to my ADD brain.. :think:
+1000 on the business/baseball card holder sleeves!
thats what I've been doing, make life soo much easier.
only down side is that I like to have them sorted by species, by source, by SHU, in descending alphanumerical order, so each new lot of seeds disrupts the natural order....
but I think most normal people wouldn't be too concerned...
Whats the benefit of storing in the fridge? Is it necessary? Just wondering, as I'd do it if so :D
Don't forget.  Pepper seeds have a shelf life.   What, maybe 3-4 year max.   Time flys when your havin fun.
Yes, condensation from fridge can be your enemy.  You must have a super tight seal on storage container AND let temps equalize before opening.
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Whats the benefit of storing in the fridge? Is it necessary? Just wondering, as I'd do it if so :D
No, it is not necessary. It is fine to store them in any cool dry place, like a drawer or whatever. The idea of storing them in the fridge is to hopefully keep them viable for a while longer than just storing them at room temperature. I do not know how well it really works vs just putting them in a drawer, but that is the hope at least. I know that seed banks keep their stock frozen, and I have read that frozen pepper seeds can remain viable for 20+ years. But I am still a little nervous about the idea of just shoving my entire seed collection in the freezer. I have been meaning to do a test where I will put some select seeds that I know have a high germ rate in the freezer for maybe a couple of years, then taking them out and doing a germination test on them. Mainly just to reassure myself that I won't do any harm by storing my seed collection in the freezer. But I haven't done that yet. So for now, I store my seeds in the fridge. I figure that it should be at least as good of a method of storage as keeping them in a drawer, and it might - just might - be better.