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preservation Making Vinegar

Anybody make their own vinegar? I tried to start a batch last fall but I forgot about it and when I checked on it this summer it was evaporated. [emoji45]I was using white wine and a little unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

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I didn’t have any money into my vinegar making. The wine was some my brother made, it wasn’t up to his standards (he was gonna dump the wine )the ac vinegar was some in the cupboard at work.

If this is in the wrong forum please move as you see fit.
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I used some Braggs apple cider for my starter. I had my vinegar experiment upstairs at work in a store room with out air conditioning. I had it it a mason jar with paper towel covering the opening.

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I used to make kombucha and the scoby from that makes great vinegar. Obviously, you want to start with something alcoholic, in the 5-6% ABV neighborhood, just drop the scoby in and let it go for a month or so. I made some from a nice red wine we had leftover one night (diluted to 6% ABV) and a porter beer I made, they were both really good. It's surprisingly easy. Agree with the comments to keep it covered with a rubberband and cheesecloth.
dragonsfire said:
I brewed up some crystal malt and made that into vinegar once, I still have a pound of CM, might have to make some soon :D
Did you use a starter with your CM beer? I do like me some malt vinegar. Any suggestions on commercially available beer to make into vinegar?

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Emptied the cider barrels today. Collecting up apples so we can make more. One of the barrels had a bit of vinegar in it, so we filtered it. Now we're letting it settle out before we can use some of it.
DaQatz when you make your cider, do you use whole apples or do you cut them in 1/2 or any other way?
My son and I pressed some cider with an old small press (1 gal size maybe) we got little juice from the apples we used when we used cut apples. We got more juice from whole apples. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks

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PtMD989 said:
DaQatz when you make your cider, do you use whole apples or do you cut them in 1/2 or any other way?
My son and I pressed some cider with an old small press (1 gal size maybe) we got little juice from the apples we used when we used cut apples. We got more juice from whole apples. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks

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We normally cut ours. In fact we shred them in a juicer, and then press the mash. Pressing is slow, it takes time. Which is what allows the apple to oxidize, so that you get cider instead of say apple juice. 
Thanks for the reply. Our first attempt was about a month and 1/2 ago the apples were just starting to ripen then. Now it might be easier with more ripe apples. My son and I pressed about 8 oz. of cider in about 2 hrs time. He drank it all. Lol. I saw the squeezings turn color like you mentioned.

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