The people who knows me, think i am a bit crazy in the head, but for me it is a form of intelligence/creative side. Already have a Hoya carnosa living in a coco medium, but just today had this pretty crazy idea to test how a cactus would grow in a mix of coco+perlite watered with the fertilizers, i have been giving to my chilis:
Coco coir+perlite with floramicro 10ml/floramato 10ml water mixture:
Looks to be one of the Gymnocalycium species, but i dont know anything specific for now:
Hanging basket and a pot with the water reservoir below:
In it's final place hanging from the ceiling:
Coco coir+perlite with floramicro 10ml/floramato 10ml water mixture:
Looks to be one of the Gymnocalycium species, but i dont know anything specific for now:
Hanging basket and a pot with the water reservoir below:
In it's final place hanging from the ceiling: