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review Iron Mike's Original Recipe Artisanal Hot Sauce Review


Staff Member
This was a fun one. Probably one of the best super hot sauces I've had in a while. For being so hot, the flavors were incredibly balanced. With ferments, it can be quite a challenge as a reviewer to pick out individual notes but the subtle nuances were definitely notable. Thanks again Mike! The high marks are well deserved!

Heat: 10/10
Complexity: 10/10
Aroma: 9/10
Flavor: 10/10
Usability: 8-9/10
Overall likeability: 10/10


(Label needs updating; no more 'smoke flavoring' in the ingredients. The pods are actually smoked now)
Definitely a step above the commercially available super hots. I addressed this at the last hot sauce expo I went to, in regards to the lack of variety in sauces. All the vendors I talked to said the same thing. Lack of variety is due to lack of availability of quality raw ingredients. This is why the majority of hobby sauces i've had taste better and are more complex than commercial sauces i've had.
MikeUSMC said:
I've sent bottles of this out to quite a few people. For anyone who's had it, I'm wondering, do you think I should make it in 2 different heat levels? Keeping the "hot" one as is, and maybe doing a "medium" version with only Chocolate Scotch Bonnets (no Douglahs)?
It's pretty much perfect as it is, but i could see it appealing to even more people if it was tamed a bit.
Nice review. I agree with the BBQ thoughts. That is what came to mind when I first tried it. The heat topped out my tolerance threshold. I will add it to BBQ sauce soon and I know it will be great. It begs for pork...
Do what you will, but with this one you nailed it. I personally wouldn't change a thing. It's the "original", it's great.... it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
If you did another as you suggest, maybe give it a totally different name?
MikeUSMC said:
I've sent bottles of this out to quite a few people. For anyone who's had it, I'm wondering, do you think I should make it in 2 different heat levels? Keeping the "hot" one as is, and maybe doing a "medium" version with only Chocolate Scotch Bonnets (no Douglahs)?
I personally think it's great the way it is. I took the bottle you sent me to work to share with coworkers during lunch, and everyone liked it. No one complained that it was too hot.
Edmick said:
This was a fun one. Probably one of the best super hot sauces I've had in a while. Thanks again Mike! The high marks are well deserved!
Ed, I really want to publicly thank you for that amazing review, man. That was even better than I could have imagined, truly. I really thought I was onto something with that recipe, but I'm grateful beyond words for what you've said about it. I never would've expected a review that good in a million years :cheers:

That goes for everyone else here, too. Thanks a million for all of your support and encouragement since I've been here, at THP. I know this is just a hobby sauce, and I have no plans in the foreseeable future on ever going commercial, but your positive feedback is why I keep doing this. Hell, 90% of the stuff I make gets mailed out to you clowns ;) Pretty much for my own enjoyment, but I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying it as much as I do. Thanks again, everyone. It means the world to me! :wipes single tear from eye: :rofl:

Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
I could see it appealing to even more people if it was tamed a bit.
WarrantMan said:
If you did another as you suggest, maybe give it a totally different name?
Yeah, I could see that. It would be more appealing to the masses if it were tamed a little bit. Maybe I'll try a milder version this Fall, with something more 'inviting' on the label than a pot of molten metal, haha. I'll call it "O. Gizzle's Lil' Brizzle" with puppies and kittens on the label or something :)

Walchit said:
A mild version would be cool, not in a 5oz bottle though. Just my opinion. Probably just make gallons of that. Lol
Dude..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You guys rock! :metal:

Thanks again :cheers:
MikeUSMC said:
Yeah, I could see that. It would be more appealing to the masses if it were tamed a little bit. Maybe I'll try a milder version this Fall, with something more 'inviting' on the label than a pot of molten metal, haha. I'll call it "O. Gizzle's Lil' Brizzle" with puppies and kittens on the label or something :)

Dude..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You guys rock! :metal:

Thanks again :cheers:
change it from a valentines greeting to a  :hotsauce:  Hot sauce Label  :lol:
a hot sauce label with kitties and raw meat dangling from strings for them to play with would totally grab my attention  :rofl:
that might even get talked about more than the Brady - Jesus  sauce  ;)
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I think a milder would be cool but it may or may not work out as well. The flavor profile for this one works really well because it is so hot, so taming it down might leave some unintended gaps in the overall experience. Might need to tweak the other ingredients a bit to get what you're looking for. Maybe not though. It's worth trying for sure