The Hott Dude
New Registrant
Hello friends
We all know how we grow the right pepper for the right sting on our tongue, and some pepper sting in different area of mouth, and longer. So no one really talk about how to achieve the best ring sting. This extra benefit to our love of pepper is forgotten. I think many do not come forward from embarrassment, and not want to talk about this and how to heighten experience but we all secretly desire, so let's chat!
Anyone step forward to name a pepper? And where is best for the seeds, thank you. Ty
For all of us may need:
We all know how we grow the right pepper for the right sting on our tongue, and some pepper sting in different area of mouth, and longer. So no one really talk about how to achieve the best ring sting. This extra benefit to our love of pepper is forgotten. I think many do not come forward from embarrassment, and not want to talk about this and how to heighten experience but we all secretly desire, so let's chat!

For all of us may need: