for-sale Hot pepper fudge for sale

Now accepting pre-orders, to ship beginning the week of Monday, May 28.
Last week I received approval from the State Health Department to start producing hot pepper fudge for commercial sales. This week I'm working with the manager of the commercial kitchen I use (which you can read about here) to transfer the process and start making saleable product.
Initially, at least, I'll be duplicating what I do now on a different stove, so the transfer should be relatively painless.  I've made 13 test batches, with #14 on tap for today.  I've had some significant failures (hot pepper model rocket fuel, anyone?), but have things pretty much dialed in for now. 
Flavors vary, with cherry vanilla, orange, and hazelnut coffee being my own favorites.  Sorry, no choice on flavors just yet.  (Unless you want to order a whole 5 pound batch, in which case, I'll make it whatever flavor you want.)
I call it "fudge" because it is based on traditional fudge recipes, but this recipe is uniquely my own.  It has a somewhat lighter texture and mouthfeel than traditional fudges.  It also has more nutritional value than regular fudge, but hey, it's candy; I wouldn't call it health food.
Pre-order pricing is $1/ounce, four ounce minimum, plus $5 shipping and handling.  Shipping will be by USPS First Class package.  Offer valid for shipping within the USA only.  Offer void where prohibited by law.  PM me if interested.
Do you have a web site / online store yet or planned?  If you get an account and domain name with Dreamhost, I can talk you threw the steps in no time at all.  If you get an account elsewhere, I can do same but it wont be as smooth cause I have he dreamhost control panel about memorized. 
I have an account and several domain names at GoDaddy, but no budget for site hosting. I was just going to have people pay with PayPal. Trivial for those with a PP account, but supposedly there is a way for non-account holders to pay with a credit card, as well. I haven't used it yet, but it involves a URL of the form

Thank you for the offer, AJ, but I'm not in a position to take advantage of it right now.
Thought maybe some pictures would be appropriate. From top left, clockwise, test batches #12, #13, #14.

Fourteen is an experiment and is very soft. Just exploring parameter space. Final product is more like the other two.
The Hot Pepper said:
Nice! How about chocolate espresso bean... or coffee fudge... :)
Both #13 and #14 are coffee flavored. Number 14 is also hazelnut flavored. So far I've been staying away from chocolate flavor, but for no particular reason. There are just so many wonderful flavors to explore.
Sinn said:
nvm working now looks tasty
Thanks, Chris.  It is tasty, if I do say so myself, assuming you have a sweet tooth.  
This product is part of my plan to achieve world domination tonight... a backdoor way to further my goal of getting non-hot-pepper-loving humans to eat more hot peppers.  Hot peppers are just too healthy not to be a part of everyone's diet, imo. 
With this product, you first get the sweet flavor of the candy, then after a few seconds the heat kicks in.  I've had people say, "Too hot!  Too hot!", but after a few minutes come back and ask, "May I have another piece, please?"
I made batches #15 & #16 back to back yesterday in the commercial kitchen. Both of the softer version, one orange flavor and one cherry vanilla.  I didn't get the latter cut and packaged before the kitchen closed for the long weekend, so it remains in the freezer until next week.  But the orange is available.
Think I'll call it Lava Links and will eventually use a sausage filling machine to fill casings. The kitchen has one of the larger of these Cabela's sausage stuffers that isn't being used.
For now it's ~4 oz. sticks wrapped in wax paper, with a label applied around that.  Working on the label today.  More pics to follow.
Two new batches. One has a fairly hard chewy caramel texture reminiscent of that of a Sugar Daddy. The other has a firm, moist texture like a good fudge should have. It's not as crumbly as the photo suggests.

Sawyer said:
I have an account and several domain names at GoDaddy, but no budget for site hosting. I was just going to have people pay with PayPal. Trivial for those with a PP account, but supposedly there is a way for non-account holders to pay with a credit card, as well. I haven't used it yet, but it involves a URL of the form

Thank you for the offer, AJ, but I'm not in a position to take advantage of it right now.
I can set up hosting on the server I lease.  I'd put one of your domain names in our dns server.  All you would have to do is point your domain name at a dns server name I give you.  Then you could ftp in or just use a control panel.  Heck, I could install wordpress and woocommerce for you.  Just dont make me design anything and its gratus.  Doing what I offered might take an hour at most.  It does take a few days to start working because name changes take a bit to filter to all the name servers.
AJ Drew said:
I can set up hosting on the server I lease.  I'd put one of your domain names in our dns server.  All you would have to do is point your domain name at a dns server name I give you.  Then you could ftp in or just use a control panel.  Heck, I could install wordpress and woocommerce for you.  Just dont make me design anything and its gratus.  Doing what I offered might take an hour at most.  It does take a few days to start working because name changes take a bit to filter to all the name servers.
Thanks, AJ. PM sent.

Sinn said:
Any more cherry vanilla?
Hi, Chris, I'll have to check stock on Monday, but I think so. What I know I have is an interesting combination. I decided the soft batches were too soft and reprocessed them, combining a cherry vanilla batch with a vanilla orange batch. The texture turned out just about perfect (with respect to my target) and the flavor is well liked by those who try it. It's sort of a cherry vanilla undercurrent with an orange finish.
I've thought about that a little bit, but haven't gotten it completely figured out yet. Will discuss this with the kitchen manager next time I see him.
It doesn't have to be in the center of each cut piece, but could be in the center of larger pieces, so when you cut it, some is at the cut edge... but I think it would be awesome.
Thinking a very delicate, unincorporated swirl would work... so they are separate but you are able to work it in...