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Skullbikers 2019 Healthy Stuff Glog

I thought I would document my wheatgrass and microgreen growing. Just started things last week, so like always, I will ............see how it goes. First I ordered up a bag of hard red winter wheat.


Then I made up a sprouter jar. Just a wide mouth Mason quart jar with a mesh lid, you can buy sprouter lids or do like I did and get some plastic canvas from Walmart craft section. Then just trace around a lid and cut it out. I also started using this mesh in my somewhat open bottom trays beginning with batch 2.


I started with about 1 1/2 cups seed in the jar, filled it with water and dumped out 2 times to rinse seeds. Then filled jar to double the level of the seeds with filtered(Zero) water and let soak 12 hours in room temp dark area. Now dump out the water and lay jar at an angle with cover at low end so excess water can continue to drain, I put it in a bowl.


Then, every 12 hours I put fresh filtered water in the jar, let soak about 10 minutes and drain as before. Here is batch 1 after about 60 hours, these probably could have been spread in the tray before the roots were this long. Once in the tray spray with water every 12 hours.



Here is after another 24 hours, you can just see the shoots starting.


Another 24 hours.


Here it is today, 7 days from the beginning.



In a few days I should be able to harvest it and then juice it. Hopefully it will be to me what Popeyes spinach was to him!
Cool!  Seems like you have a good process.  I'm curious how how many juice servings the 1.5 cups will provide and for how long can you harvest from that tray before it's too far along. - Is this about a weekly batch?
CaneDog said:
Cool!  Seems like you have a good process.  I'm curious how how many juice servings the 1.5 cups will provide and for how long can you harvest from that tray before it's too far along. - Is this about a weekly batch?
I should see within a week how much juice is produced from the first cutting. Most documentation says 10 to 12 days from beginning to harvest. I may try for a second harvest from this tray as this always begins as an experiment. A person could probably get more juice with a really good masticating juicer for several hundred dollars but since I am in experimental mode I opted for a cheap manual crank one that supposedly(hopefully) will do the job. Got this one off Amazon for a starter: https://www.amazon.com/Chefs-Star-Manual-Single-Suction/dp/B00D601W0I
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That auger juicer may be a pain to crank, but it won't oxidize your juice much and the good masticating ones are generally pricey and a pain to clean.  I like my Omega 1000 just fine, but it's a grind and spin system so I pretty much have to drink my juice right after making it or the oxygen will ravage the nutrients.
Still, it's a great way to get veggie nutrients if you don't cook them regularly.
CaneDog said:
That auger juicer may be a pain to crank, but it won't oxidize your juice much and the good masticating ones are generally pricey and a pain to clean.  I like my Omega 1000 just fine, but it's a grind and spin system so I pretty much have to drink my juice right after making it or the oxygen will ravage the nutrients.
Still, it's a great way to get veggie nutrients if you don't cook them regularly.
Oh, I know that juicer will be hard to crank but I will not go the spendy route until I am sure about this venture. I also have two centrifugal juicers but most info is that almost all the good stuff goes out the chute with the pulp.
I understood centrifugal juicers to be satisfactory for immediate consumption. Have you heard different?
dragonsfire said:
Just add to smoothie whol, youl have fiber too.
I do that with spinach all the time, but tried kale once and ugh.  Was nasty bitter and soooo much fiber.  Couldn't finish.  Never again.  But kale in juice I have no problem with at all. 
Sry - getting off your topic of wheat grass. When I've tried wheat grass it's been kinda pithy/bitter, but I'd think it would be great mixed in with other juices.  Will be interested to hear how you find doing the process on a regular basis.  That's what's always stopped be from sprouting - mainly broccoli.
CaneDog said:
I understood centrifugal juicers to be satisfactory for immediate consumption. Have you heard different?
I do that with spinach all the time, but tried kale once and ugh.  Was nasty bitter and soooo much fiber.  Couldn't finish.  Never again.  But kale in juice I have no problem with at all. 
Sry - getting off your topic of wheat grass. When I've tried wheat grass it's been kinda pithy/bitter, but I'd think it would be great mixed in with other juices.  Will be interested to hear how you find doing the process on a regular basis.  That's what's always stopped be from sprouting - mainly broccoli.
I did considerable research on the wheatgrass/microgreens subject before I started them(will probably document my start of radish microgreens soon). Anyway, this website does a pretty fair job of explaining the different types/procedures of juicing. https://davyandtracy.com/blender-guide/best-juicers/
dragonsfire said:
I only did it once and I found it way to sweet for my taste, sickly sweet, so you dont need much.
Fife Sprouting.
You must realize one of the rules of life is that if it is good for you it probably tastes bad. Did you get any mold in that jar like that? Mold is usually the number one issue with wheatgrass and microgreens. Did you juice it or just blend up the grass?
Now for my radish microgreens. These are from 6 or 7 old packs of seeds dating back to 2012, it came ot to about 45 grams of seed. I used all of it because I did not think much of it would germinate. I was wrong! I put the seeds in a sprouting jar on November 28. I rinsed them twice with filtered(zero) water and then filled to about twice the level of the seeds and let soak for 12 hours.


Then, just like the wheatgrass, drain and rinse every 12 hours until they are sprouting good. These had swelled and sprouted and filled the jar in 48 hours.


Then I spread them in a 10 X 10 tray.


After 1 day with a somewhat darkening cover over them. For microgreens you want to make them leggy.


And here it was this morning, 6 days from the beginning, getting close to harvest time. Supposedly should be harvested before true leaves are formed for microgreens, for juicing it can go a little longer. I take a little and eat it each day and it is like a good zippy radish. It will be on my quarter pound hot dog for lunch tomorrow!

Mr. West said:
Aww man you're gonna be so healthy and stuff. My mom asked me a while back if i could grow sprouts. I might try to do a little something. Radish sprouts are great on sandwiches... alfalfa too. Enjoy that hotdog bud.
I am at that point in life that I have to do whatever I can to keep from tipping over! [emoji3545] The sprouting/microgreens thing is plenty easy, just a little time consuming if you do much of it because of the twice a day rinsing. That hot dog will be on my mind for about 3 more hours, and will also have my fresh made cherry bomb sauce plus my cherry bomb relish on it.[emoji894][emoji894][emoji894]