• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

alkhall 2019

The list:

Brown Large Scorpion cross - Mine
Big Black Mama cross – Mine
Gnarly Chocolate Bhut Jolokia - Mine
ScotchBrain – FreeportBum
Red Primo (from saved seed 2017) – Primos Peppers
Chocolate Primo/Reaper (CPR) – White Hot Peppers
Chocolate Primo/Reaper (CPR) – ButchT
Primo Chocolate – White Hot Peppers
Jay’s Peach Ghost Scorpion (JPGS) - RFC
Jamaican Hot Chocolate Habanero – Trade Winds
Reaper/Naga Morich - Peppernorth
Ecuadoran Hot Lemon Cayenne - Burpee

Trying to cut back on number of plants, if I do two each, that will be 24 plants. Last year, I had 34 in the raised bed, 8 in The Box, and 6 more in growbags, 48 total.
I may start some plants for friends, if they want.
Target start date is February 9.
+1 Heefy. That list has gnarl written all over it!
Good to see you in the glogosphere this season, Al.
Looking forward to watching your grow progress.
Today is setup day.
Got the shelving put up, put a starter tray on a heat mat to warm up before dropping seeds.
After five years of starting in coir plugs, I am trying a Rapid-Rooter https://static1.squarespace.com/static/515dc1f3e4b0bca14d78d4c6/t/56b933807c65e43d5a9975ba/1454977940332/?format=1500w tray this year.
Added some Jamaican Hot Chocolate for my boss and some Ecuadoran Hot Lemon Cayenne for a buddy.
Still working on my new light fixture, waiting for the TFN wire to arrive, also ordered eight new lamps; two Eye Hortilux FS+UV and six Spectralux 6500K. I am reusing two FS+UV lamps I bought last year along with two Actinic (420nm) lamps.
Stay tuned...
Walchit said:
The suspense is killing me! Its gonna be a 12 bulber? How big of an area are you covering?

Yes, 12 lamps.
2x4 foot shelf.
However, I am going to use timers to control the ballasts.
I will have all lamps on for 12 hours, 8 lamps on for 14 hours, and 4 lamps on for 16 hours. As an experiment to simulate the natural amount of light from outdoors.
The schedule will be:
4 lamps 05:30-21:30
8 lamps 06:30-20:30
12 lamps 07:30-19:30
Very interesting, Al, will be looking forward
to the results of your technique!
Hope your season is the best, buddy!