Isolation netting fabric - how to deploy

I got a big piece of this but am unsure how to best use it to isolate plants. I was thinking of sewing small bags for individual buds, or maybe gluing instead of sewing. If you use this stuff, I'd appreciate any ideas or your experiences using it, thanks!


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I am doubling up plants in Dutch Buckets this year (outdoors) so I really need to isolate them if I want to use the seeds next year.   Gorilla Tape is a good idea (from your link).  I think I read about someone using hot/melt glue or something like that here as another option.  Regardless of how I finally make the bags, I'll make it a point to do a larger portion of the plant, if not the entire plant.
Appreciate your sharing your experience/expertise with me - thank you!
Oleic said:
I am doubling up plants in Dutch Buckets this year (outdoors) so I really need to isolate them if I want to use the seeds next year.   Gorilla Tape is a good idea (from your link).  I think I read about someone using hot/melt glue or something like that here as another option.  Regardless of how I finally make the bags, I'll make it a point to do a larger portion of the plant, if not the entire plant.
Appreciate your sharing your experience/expertise with me - thank you!
I'm using hot glue to seal my tulle bags. It's cheap and easy once you get the hang of it. You have to work on a surface you don't mind ruining, as the glue will not be easily removed. I use an old mica laminated drafting board. Double fold-over the seam edges and apply the hot glue in small runs, lifting them before the glue sets completely.You may want to use clamps, clips, or weights to hold the seam folds together while you are working. It goes pretty quick and I can make a bag in about 5 minutes.