• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Petrac 2020

So, last year growing season was a blast for me. I hope this year it wont be much different. I ordered seeds from 2 different companies, one pacage arrived this week. First four in the list are now in the soil. I had to stop myself from ordering more seeds..Its just so addictive looking through all this stuff..
Seed list:
Chocolate Habaneros (seeds from last year)
Hungarian hot wax (gift seeds)
Bhutlah chocolate
Mulato isleno
Serrano del sol
Ring of fire
Brazilian starfish
Lemon drop
Carolina reaper
Brown Rocotto


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Guys, what is your opinion on topping plants? Last year I did something like 50/50 topped/untopped but i did not exactly measure the total weight. I remember only that untopped ripened about 1 month before topped..
Oh, and on my list I forgot to write Habanero red carribean..+perhaps something else if Semilas la Palma added a seed or two extra..
Petrac said:
Guys, what is your opinion on topping plants? Last year I did something like 50/50 topped/untopped but i did not exactly measure the total weight. I remember only that untopped ripened about 1 month before topped..
Oh, and on my list I forgot to write Habanero red carribean..+perhaps something else if Semilas la Palma added a seed or two extra..
I think you answered your own question........do you want ripe pods sooner or later?
It's anecdotal, but my topped jalapeños were loaded with pods by the end of the season, but gave only one main harvest. Compared to untopped, which produced earlier and several smaller harvests, but also ended up with only 35 pods compared to 46 from one topped plant. As you indicate you prefer a larger final weight, my personal (probably biased) opinion is to top, as long as you plan your plant out accordingly

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You picked some great varieties, Mina!
Good luck germinating them!
PaulG said:
You picked some great varieties, Mina!
Good luck germinating them!
Yea think i nailed varieties this year. From mild to vulcanic hot; Also, all seeds are from proper vendors and not from some random ebay sellers (learned that last year).
yea, i hope germination will go well, since i dont have heated propagator or anything like that. I just placed them all on a windowsill in the dining room and hoping for the best. So far, i have never had problems germinating seeds, but also i have never planted any superhots which are suppost to be a bit more delicate to germinate - except chocolate habs, which are on the bottom of the superhot list.
Petrac said:
Yea think i nailed varieties this year. From mild to vulcanic hot; Also, all seeds are from proper vendors and not from some random ebay sellers (learned that last year).
You should have good results with the seeds from Semilla's.  I finally received my (2nd) order from them and had great germination results!
yea, i hope germination will go well, since i dont have heated propagator or anything like that.
Do you have somewhere warm like the top of a refrigerator?  Just an idea.
I just placed them all on a windowsill in the dining room and hoping for the best. So far, i have never had problems germinating seeds, but also i have never planted any superhots which are suppost to be a bit more delicate to germinate - except chocolate habs, which are on the bottom of the superhot list.
Congrats on the new job and the upcoming master's degree. (I read through your 2019 glog)
Petrac said:
Today I planted the last seeds that i got in mail by semillas la palma.. Unfortunatly there were no suprise seeds but anyhow.. What i ordered is now in the soil, waiting to sprout.
Yep, I've ordered from SLP for years and no surprise seeds.  But that's cool, no surprise plants (as in accidental hybrids) either.
Good luck with rapid sprouting!
Good luck with the grow Miha.
And you can really get them growing with the topping. Big branches and lots of pods. But do not do it too late nor too soon.
PaulG said:
Looks like your germination system is working,
Miha. The rest will come along in their own time!
My grandma and my mom always started their peppers and tomatoes and a few other plants like this, so I guess it must work :) For the rest, im sure they will come along - superhots are famous to be late sprouters..
Status update: Carolinas started to sprout, rocotos and chocolate habs too, now I only wait for Chocolate Bhutlah. I said to myself a few days ago that i will need to set up a propagator for next year, specificly for superhots, but aparantly this will not be necessary. I will stick with this method. Im only suprised that Carolina already sprouted, even if it was planted a week after bhutlah...
Did anyone of you grew it before? I trully look foward to growing bhutlah, Its almost three weeks and no sigh of life from them. Im looking through last year glogs, but i cant find anyone who grew them...