I guess I will post this up late rather than never. I decided to make one of my hybrid batches of Kimchi as I had the Daikon radishes I grew and had just picked my cabbage heads and Kohlrabi from the garden. So, for the main ingredients we have 3 medium sized cabbage heads, 3 standard kohlrabi, 1 Kossak kohlrabi, a bunch of Daikon radishes, 2 lbs of carrots and 3 large yellow onions, and the flavor/hot paste with ingredients as shown in pic.
I shredded the cabbage and diced the kohlrabi and put it in my 3 gal stainless steel bowl for the salt water soak.
I chopped up onions, radishes and carrots.
The ingredients for the paste. Crushed Red Pepper, Fish Sauce, Tamari, Garlic, and Ginger. I put the ingredients in the good ol Magic Bullet and buzzed it(I used 1/2 cup of Red Pepper........SNAPPY).
After draining and rinsing the cabbage and kohlrabi I mixed all the ingredients together in the big bowl and worked in the paste real good. I ended up with more than 1 1/2 gals of Kimchi. I put the vacuum fermenter lids on and put it in a dark closet.
I tried it after 10 days and IT IS GOOD, and SNAPPY!
I will use it from the smallest jar up and let the unused jars ferment longer as just like hot sauce, the longer the ferment the better. I have read that in Korea it is sometimes left for up to five years!